Ludwig Lausanne Branch

Publications | Phd and Masters theses

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863 publications

... | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2003 | 2001 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 |
Targeting Programmed Cell Death 1 in Ovarian Cancer.
Homicsko K., Coukos G., 2015. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33 (34) pp. 3987-3989. Peer-reviewed.
Targeting the tumor vasculature to enhance T cell activity.
Lanitis E., Irving M., Coukos G., 2015. Current Opinion in Immunology, 33 pp. 55-63. Peer-reviewed.
Targeting the undruggable: immunotherapy meets personalized oncology in the genomic era.
Martin S.D., Coukos G., Holt R.A., Nelson B.H., 2015. Annals of Oncology : Official Journal of the European Society For Medical Oncology / Esmo, 26 (12) pp. 2367-2374. Peer-reviewed.
The Ovarian Cancer Chemokine Landscape Is Conducive to Homing of Vaccine-Primed and CD3/CD28-Costimulated T Cells Prepared for Adoptive Therapy.
Zsiros E., Duttagupta P., Dangaj D., Li H., Frank R., Garrabrant T., Hagemann I.S., Levine B.L., June C.H., Zhang L. et al., 2015. Clinical Cancer Research, 21 (12) pp. 2840-2850. Peer-reviewed.
The therapeutic promise of disrupting the PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint in cancer: unleashing the CD8 T cell mediated anti-tumor activity results in significant, unprecedented clinical efficacy in various solid tumors.
Romano E., Romero P., 2015. Journal For Immunotherapy of Cancer, 3 p. 15. Peer-reviewed.
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in triple-negative breast cancer: a biomarker for use beyond prognosis?
Tsoutsou P.G., Bourhis J., Coukos G., 2015. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33 (11) pp. 1297-1298. Peer-reviewed.
Whole Tumor Antigen Vaccines: Where Are We?
Chiang C.L.L., Coukos G., Kandalaft L.E., 2015. Vaccines, 3 (2) pp. 344-372. Peer-reviewed.
A community computational challenge to predict the activity of pairs of compounds.
Bansal M., Yang J., Karan C., Menden M.P., Costello J.C., Tang H., Xiao G., Li Y., Allen J., Zhong R. et al., 2014/12. Nature biotechnology, 32 (12) pp. 1213-1222. Peer-reviewed.
A community effort to assess and improve drug sensitivity prediction algorithms.
Costello J.C., Heiser L.M., Georgii E., Gönen M., Menden M.P., Wang N.J., Bansal M., Ammad-ud-din M., Hintsanen P., Khan S.A. et al., 2014/12. Nature biotechnology, 32 (12) pp. 1202-1212. Peer-reviewed.
Immunotherapy for ovarian cancer: recent advances and perspectives.
Zsiros E., Tanyi J., Balint K., Kandalaft L.E., 2014/09. Current opinion in oncology, 26 (5) pp. 492-500. Peer-reviewed.
Adaptations of Natural Killer Cells to Self-MHC Class I.
Bessoles S., Grandclément C., Alari-Pahissa E., Gehrig J., Jeevan-Raj B., Held W., 2014. Frontiers in Immunology, 5 p. 349. Peer-reviewed.
Differences in the transduction of canonical wnt signals demarcate effector and memory CD8 T cells with distinct recall proliferation capacity.
Boudousquié C., Danilo M., Pousse L., Jeevan-Raj B., Angelov G.S., Chennupati V., Zehn D., Held W., 2014. Journal of Immunology, 193 (6) pp. 2784-2791. Peer-reviewed.
Frequencies of circulating MDSC correlate with clinical outcome of melanoma patients treated with ipilimumab.
Meyer C., Cagnon L., Costa-Nunes C.M., Baumgaertner P., Montandon N., Leyvraz L., Michielin O., Romano E., Speiser D.E., 2014. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy : Cii, 63 (3) pp. 247-257. Peer-reviewed.
Functional avidity-driven activation-induced cell death shapes CTL immunodominance.
Dalla Santa S., Merlo A., Bobisse S., Ronconi E., Boldrin D., Milan G., Barbieri V., Marin O., Facchinetti A., Biasi G. et al., 2014. Journal of Immunology (baltimore, Md. : 1950), 193 (9) pp. 4704-4711. Peer-reviewed.
Long-term Outcome and Late Side Effects in Endometrial Cancer Patients Treated with Surgery and Postoperative Radiation Therapy.
Herrera F.G., Cruz O.S., Achtari C., Bourhis J., Ozsahin M., 2014. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 21 (7) pp. 2390-2397.
L’oncologie «de précision»: un incontournable changement pour notre discipline, une révolution pour nos patients
Peters S., Raymond E., Coukos G., 2014/01/01. Bulletin Suisse du Cancer, 1 pp. 14-16.
Malt1 protease inactivation efficiently dampens immune responses but causes spontaneous autoimmunity.
Jaworski M., Marsland B.J., Gehrig J., Held W., Favre S., Luther S.A., Perroud M., Golshayan D., Gaide O., Thome M., 2014. EMBO Journal, 33 (23) pp. 2765-2781.
miR-345 in metastatic colorectal cancer: a non-invasive biomarker for clinical outcome in non-KRAS mutant patients treated with 3rd line cetuximab and irinotecan.
Schou J.V., Rossi S., Jensen B.V., Nielsen D.L., Pfeiffer P., Høgdall E., Yilmaz M., Tejpar S., Delorenzi M., Kruhøffer M. et al., 2014. Plos One, 9 (6) pp. e99886. Peer-reviewed.
Overexpression of SMARCE1 is associated with CD8+ T-cell infiltration in early stage ovarian cancer.
Giannakakis A., Karapetsas A., Dangaj D., Lanitis E., Tanyi J., Coukos G., Sandaltzopoulos R., 2014. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 53 pp. 389-398.
Pulmonary Sarcoid-like Granulomatosis after Multiple Vaccinations of a Long-term Surviving Patient with Metastatic Melanoma.
Bordry N., Costa-Nunes C.M., Cagnon L., Gannon P.O., Abed-Maillard S., Baumgaertner P., Murray T., Letovanec I., Lazor R., Bouchaab H. et al., 2014. Cancer Immunology Research, 2 (12) pp. 1148-1153.
Successful engineering cancer immunotherapy
Romero Pedro, Coukos George, 2014. European Journal of Immunology. Peer-reviewed.
T-cell and NK-cell infiltration into solid tumors: a key limiting factor for efficacious cancer immunotherapy.
Melero I., Rouzaut A., Motz G.T., Coukos G., 2014. Cancer Discovery, 4 (5) pp. 522-526. Peer-reviewed.
Tumour-infiltrating Gr-1+ myeloid cells antagonize senescence in cancer.
Di Mitri D., Toso A., Chen J.J., Sarti M., Pinton S., Jost T.R., D'Antuono R., Montani E., Garcia-Escudero R., Guccini I. et al., 2014. Nature, 515 (7525) pp. 134-137. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis, isolation and activation of antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells by soluble MHC-peptide complexes
Schmidt J., Dojcinovic D., Guillaume P., Luescher I., 2013/07. Frontiers in Immunology, 4 (218). Peer-reviewed.
A dendritic cell vaccine pulsed with autologous hypochlorous Acid-oxidized ovarian cancer lysate primes effective broad antitumor immunity: from bench to bedside.
Chiang C.L., Kandalaft L.E., Tanyi J., Hagemann A.R., Motz G.T., Svoronos N., Montone K., Mantia-Smaldone G.M., Smith L., Nisenbaum H.L. et al., 2013. Clinical Cancer Research, 19 (17) pp. 4801-4815. Peer-reviewed.
Analysis, Isolation, and Activation of Antigen-Specific CD4 + and CD8+ T Cells by Soluble MHC-Peptide Complexes
Schmidt J., Dojcinovic D., Guillaume P., Luescher I., 2013. Frontiers In Immunology, 4 p. 218. Peer-reviewed.
Education of Murine NK Cells Requires Both cis and trans Recognition of MHC Class I Molecules.
Bessoles S., Angelov G.S., Back J., Leclercq G., Vivier E., Held W., 2013. Journal of Immunology, 191 (10) pp. 5044-5051.
Immunothérapie: une nouvelle arme contre le cancer de la prostate [Immunotherapy: a therapeutic revolution against prostate cancer?].
Pracht M., Herrera F.G, Tawadros T., Berthold D., 2013. Revue Médicale Suisse, 9 (387) pp. 1070-1075. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of in vitro HSC fate regulators by differential lipid raft clustering.
Vannini N., Roch A., Naveiras O., Griffa A., Kobel S., Lutolf M.P., 2012. Cell Cycle, 11 (8) pp. 1535-1543. Peer-reviewed.
Structure-function analyses point to a polynucleotide-accommodating groove essential for APOBEC3A restriction activities.
Bulliard Y., Narvaiza I., Bertero A., Peddi S., Röhrig U.F., Ortiz M., Zoete V., Castro-Díaz N., Turelli P., Telenti A. et al., 2011. Journal of Virology, 85 (4) pp. 1765-1776.
Surveillance active du cancer de la prostate [Active surveillance in prostate cancer].
Valerio M., Vaucher L., Cerantola Y., Berthold D., Herrera F.G, Jichlinski P., 2011. Revue Médicale Suisse, 7 (320) pp. 2388-2391. Peer-reviewed.
TCRep 3D: an automated in silico approach to study the structural properties of TCR repertoires.
Leimgruber A., Ferber M., Irving M., Hussain-Kahn H., Wieckowski S., Derré L., Rufer N., Zoete V., Michielin O., 2011. PLoS One, 6 (10) pp. e26301.
Unique spectrum of activity of prosimian TRIM5alpha against exogenous and endogenous retroviruses.
Rahm N., Yap M., Snoeck J., Zoete V., Muñoz M., Radespiel U., Zimmermann E., Michielin O., Stoye J.P., Ciuffi A. et al., 2011. Journal of Virology, 85 (9) pp. 4173-4183.
Evidence for a TCR affinity threshold delimiting maximal CD8 T cell function.
Schmid D.A., Irving M.B., Posevitz V., Hebeisen M., Posevitz-Fejfar A., Sarria J.C., Gomez-Eerland R., Thome M., Schumacher T.N., Romero P. et al., 2010. Journal of Immunology, 184 (9) pp. 4936-4946. Peer-reviewed.
High rate of severe radiation dermatitis during radiation therapy with concurrent cetuximab in head and neck cancer: results of a survey in EORTC institutes.
Giro C., Berger B., Bölke E., Ciernik I.F., Duprez F., Locati L., Maillard S., Ozsahin M., Pfeffer R., Robertson A.G. et al., 2009. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 90 (2) pp. 166-71. Peer-reviewed.
An Integrated, Directed Mass Spectrometric Approach for In-depth Characterization of Complex Peptide Mixtures
Schmidt Alexander, Gehlenborg Nils, Bodenmiller Bernd, Mueller Lukas N., Campbell Dave, Mueller Markus, Aebersold Ruedi, Domon Bruno, 2008/11. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 7 (11) pp. 2138-2150.
Molecular Dynamics-based Free Energy Simulations
Cuendet M. A., Zoete V., Michielin O., 2008/05., WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
MyHits: improvements to an interactive resource for analyzing protein sequences.
Pagni M., Ioannidis V., Cerutti L., Zahn-Zabal M., Jongeneel C.V., Hau J., Martin O., Kuznetsov D., Falquet L., 2007/07. Nucleic acids research, 35 (Web Server issue) pp. W433-7. Peer-reviewed.
Complete and long-lasting regression of disseminated multiple skin melanoma metastases under treatment with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor.
Lejeune F.J., Monnier Y., Rüegg C., 2006. Melanoma research, 16 (3) pp. 263-5. Peer-reviewed.
Application of support vector machines for T-cell epitopes prediction.
Zhao Y., Pinilla C., Valmori D., Martin R., Simon R., 2003/10/12. Bioinformatics, 19 (15) pp. 1978-1984. Peer-reviewed.
Immune response to murine and feline retroviruses.
Finke D, Acha-Orbea H, 2001. pp. 125-157 dans Retroviral immunology: immune response and restoration, Humana Press.
Ex vivo staining of metastatic lymph nodes by class I major histocompatibility complex tetramers reveals high numbers of antigen-experienced tumor-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes.
Romero P., Dunbar P.R., Valmori D., Pittet M., Ogg G.S., Rimoldi D., Chen J.L., Liénard D., Cerottini J.C., Cerundolo V., 1998/11/02. The Journal of experimental medicine, 188 (9) pp. 1641-1650. Peer-reviewed.
Role of the immune response induced by superantigens in the pathogenesis of microbial infections.
Maillard I., Luthi F., Acha-Orbea H., Diggelmann H., 1997. Parasitology, 115 Suppl pp. S67-78. Peer-reviewed.
Neuroendocrine effects of a 20-mg citalopram infusion in healthy males. A placebo-controlled evaluation of citalopram as 5-HT function probe.
Seifritz E., Baumann P., Müller M.J., Annen O., Amey M., Hemmeter U., Hatzinger M., Chardon F., Holsboer-Trachsler E., 1996/04. Neuropsychopharmacology, 14 (4) pp. 253-263. Peer-reviewed.
Allelic exclusion of Ly49-family genes encoding class I MHC-specific receptors on NK cells
Held Werner, Roland Jacques, Raulet David H., 1995/07. Nature, 376 (6538) pp. 355-358.
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