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1744 publications

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How to keep the brain awake? The complex molecular pharmacogenetics of wake promotion.
Hasan S., Pradervand S., Ahnaou A., Drinkenburg W., Tafti M., Franken P., 2009. Neuropsychopharmacology, 34 (7) pp. 1625-1640. Peer-reviewed.
Identifying protein-coding genes in genomic sequences.
Harrow J., Nagy A., Reymond A., Alioto T., Patthy L., Antonarakis S.E., Guigó R., 2009. Genome biology, 10 (1) p. 201. Peer-reviewed.
Impact of normalization on miRNA microarray expression profiling.
Pradervand S., Weber J., Thomas J., Bueno M., Wirapati P., Lefort K., Dotto G.P., Harshman K., 2009. RNA, 15 (3) pp. 493-501. Peer-reviewed.
Inhibition of the shade avoidance response by formation of non-DNA binding bHLH heterodimers.
Hornitschek P., Lorrain S., Zoete V., Michielin O., Fankhauser C., 2009. EMBO journal, 28 (24) pp. 3893-3902.
Inhibitory effect of DNA supercoiling on DNA knotting
Dorier J., Burnier Y., Stasiak A., 2009. Bussei Kenkyu, 92 (1) pp. 84-88. Peer-reviewed.
Interplay of DNA supercoiling and catenation during the segregation of sister duplexes.
Martínez-Robles M.L., Witz G., Hernández P., Schvartzman J.B., Stasiak A., Krimer D.B., 2009. Nucleic Acids Research, 37 (15) pp. 5126-5137. Peer-reviewed.
Involvement of 4E-BP1 in the protection induced by HDLs on pancreatic beta cells.
Pétremand J., Bulat N., Butty A.C., Poussin C., Rütti S., Au K., Ghosh S., Mooser V., Thorens B., Yang J.Y. et al., 2009. Molecular Endocrinology, 23 (10) pp. 1572-1586. Peer-reviewed.
La surveillance active dans la prise en charge du cancer de la prostate précoce. [Active surveillance for early-stage prostate cancer]
Jichlinski P., Berthold D. R., Zouhair A., Griesser A. C., Meuwly J. Y., Prior J. O., Lhermitte B., Doerfler A., Treuthardt C., Praz V. et al., 2009. Revue médicale suisse, 5 (228) pp. 2442-4, 2446-7.
LKB1 regulates polarity remodeling and adherens junction formation in the Drosophila eye.
Amin N., Khan A., St Johnston D., Tomlinson I., Martin S., Brenman J., McNeill H., 2009. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (22) pp. 8941-8946. Peer-reviewed.
Melanopsin as a sleep modulator: circadian gating of the direct effects of light on sleep and altered sleep homeostasis in Opn4(-/-) mice.
Tsai J.W., Hannibal J., Hagiwara G., Colas D., Ruppert E., Ruby N.F., Heller H.C., Franken P., Bourgin P., 2009. PLoS biology, 7 (6) pp. e1000125.
Metabolic effects of diets differing in glycaemic index depend on age and endogenous glucose-dependent insulinotrophic polypeptide in mice.
Isken F., Weickert M.O., Tschöp M.H., Nogueiras R., Möhlig M., Abdelrahman A., Klaus S., Thorens B., Pfeiffer A.F., 2009. Diabetologia, 52 (10) pp. 2159-2168.
Metabolic labeling and protein linearization technology allow the study of proteins secreted by cultured cells in serum-containing media.
Colzani M., Waridel P., Laurent J., Faes E., Rüegg C., Quadroni M., 2009. Journal of Proteome research, 8 (10) pp. 4779-4788.
Microtubule-dependent cell morphogenesis in the fission yeast.
Martin S.G., 2009. Trends in Cell Biology, 19 (9) pp. 447-454. Peer-reviewed.
MIMAS 3.0 is a Multiomics Information Management and Annotation System.
Gattiker A., Hermida L., Liechti R., Xenarios I., Collin O., Rougemont J., Primig M., 2009. BMC Bioinformatics, 10 p. 151.
Modeling stochasticity and robustness in gene regulatory networks.
Garg A., Mohanram K., Di Cara A., De Micheli G., Xenarios I., 2009. Bioinformatics, 25 (12) pp. i101-i109.
Molecular basis of odor detection in insects.
Benton R., 2009. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1170 pp. 478-481.
Molecular clock is involved in predictive circadian adjustment of renal function.
Zuber A.M., Centeno G., Pradervand S., Nikolaeva S., Maquelin L., Cardinaux L., Bonny O., Firsov D., 2009. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (38) pp. 16523-16528. Peer-reviewed.
Mouse GLUT9: evidences for a urate uniporter.
Bibert S., Hess S.K., Firsov D., Thorens B., Geering K., Horisberger J.D., Bonny O., 2009. American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology, 297 (3) pp. F612-F619. Peer-reviewed.
MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 is a critical regulator of FANCD2 stability and function during DNA double-strand break repair.
Roques C., Coulombe Y., Delannoy M., Vignard J., Grossi S., Brodeur I., Rodrigue A., Gautier J., Stasiak A.Z., Stasiak A. et al., 2009. The EMBO journal, 28 (16) pp. 2400-2413. Peer-reviewed.
Normalization of hypocretin-1 in narcolepsy after intravenous immunoglobulin treatment.
Dauvilliers Y., Abril B., Mas E., Michel F., Tafti M., 2009. Neurology, 73 (16) pp. 1333-1334.
Nuclear factor I-C links platelet-derived growth factor and transforming growth factor beta1 signaling to skin wound healing progression.
Plasari G., Calabrese A., Dusserre Y., Gronostajski R.M., McNair A., Michalik L., Mermod N., 2009. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 29 (22) pp. 6006-6017. Peer-reviewed.
Nutrigenomik, ein neuer Weg zur Gesundheit
Wahli W., Constantin N., 2009. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 9 (11) pp. 224-227.
Nutrigenomik, eine medizinische, soziale und ökonomische Herausforderung
Wahli W., Constantin N., 2009. Swiss Medical Forum = Forum Médical Suisse, 9 (12) pp. 242-245.
Parts of the bothrops moojeni snake venom activated lipid synthesis and PPARA, B, Gamma 2 in transiently transfected sz95 sebocytes
Schagen S. K., Perchuc A.-.M., Voegeli R., Imfeld D., Schreier T., Michalik L., Wahli W., Zouboulis C. C., 2009. Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, 7 pp. 152-153. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) but not PPARalpha serves as a plasma free fatty acid sensor in liver.
Sanderson L.M., Degenhardt T., Koppen A., Kalkhoven E., Desvergne B., Müller M., Kersten S., 2009. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 29 (23) pp. 6257-6267. Peer-reviewed.
Phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase signaling in hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin neurons contributes to the regulation of glucose homeostasis.
Hill J.W., Xu Y., Preitner F., Fukuda M., Cho Y.R., Luo J., Balthasar N., Coppari R., Cantley L.C., Kahn B.B. et al., 2009. Endocrinology, 150 (11) pp. 4874-4882.
Physiology. How much sleep do we need?
Hor H., Tafti M., 2009. Science, 325 (5942) pp. 825-826.
Phytochrome interacting factors 4 and 5 redundantly limit seedling de-etiolation in continuous far-red light.
Lorrain S., Trevisan M., Pradervand S., Fankhauser C., 2009. The Plant Journal, 60 (3) pp. 449-461. Peer-reviewed.
PIF3 is a repressor of chloroplast development.
Stephenson P.G., Fankhauser C., Terry M.J., 2009. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (18) pp. 7654-7659. Peer-reviewed.
Pob1 participates in the Cdc42 regulation of fission yeast actin cytoskeleton.
Rincón S.A., Ye Y., Villar-Tajadura M.A., Santos B., Martin S.G., Pérez P., 2009. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 20 (20) pp. 4390-4399.
Polar gradients of the DYRK-family kinase Pom1 couple cell length with the cell cycle.
Martin S.G., Berthelot-Grosjean M., 2009. Nature, 459 (7248) pp. 852-856. Peer-reviewed.
PPAR beta/delta Agonists Modulate Platelet Function via a Mechanism Involving PPAR Receptors and Specific Association/Repression of PKC alpha-Brief Report
Ali F.Y., Hall M.G., Desvergne B., Warner T.D., Mitchell J.A., 2009. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 29 (11) pp. 1871-1873. Peer-reviewed.
Precursor ion scans for the targeted detection of stable-isotope-labeled peptides.
Colzani M., Bienvenut W.V., Faes E., Quadroni M., 2009. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry, 23 (22) pp. 3570-3578. Peer-reviewed.
Profiling of T-cell receptor signaling complex assembly in human CD4 T-lymphocytes using RP protein arrays.
Brembilla N.C., Cohen-Salmon I., Weber J., Rüegg C., Quadroni M., Harshman K., Doucey M.A., 2009. Proteomics, 9 (2) pp. 299-309.
Regulation of adaptive behaviour during fasting by hypothalamic Foxa2.
Silva J.P., von Meyenn F., Howell J., Thorens B., Wolfrum C., Stoffel M., 2009. Nature, 462 (7273) pp. 646-650. Peer-reviewed.
Regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal IL-1 signaling by PPARbeta/delta is essential for skin homeostasis and wound healing.
Chong H.C., Tan M.J., Philippe V., Tan S.H., Tan C.K., Ku C.W., Goh Y.Y., Wahli W., Michalik L., Tan N.S., 2009. Journal of Cell Biology, 184 (6) pp. 817-831. Peer-reviewed.
RNA-based gene duplication: mechanistic and evolutionary insights.
Kaessmann H., Vinckenbosch N., Long M., 2009. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 10 (1) pp. 19-31. Peer-reviewed.
Segmental copy number variation shapes tissue transcriptomes.
Henrichsen C.N., Vinckenbosch N., Zöllner S., Chaignat E., Pradervand S., Schütz F., Ruedi M., Kaessmann H., Reymond A., 2009. Nature Genetics, 41 (4) pp. 424-429. Peer-reviewed.
Shapes of knotted cyclic polymers
Millett K.C., Plunkett P., Piatek M., Rawdon E.J., Stasiak A., 2009. Bussei Kenkyu, 92 (1) pp. 32-37. Peer-reviewed.
Shaping fission yeast with microtubules.
Chang F., Martin S.G., 2009. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 1 (1) pp. a001347. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep function: current questions and new approaches.
Vassalli A., Dijk D.J., 2009. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (9) pp. 1830-1841. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep homeostasis
Franken P., 2009. pp. 3721-3725 dans Binder M. D., Hirokawa N., Windhorst U. (eds.) Encyclopedia of neuroscience, Springer.
Steroid hormone pulsing drives cyclic gene expression.
Desvergne B., Héligon C., 2009. Nature Cell Biology, 11 (9) pp. 1051-1053.
Sumoylated PPARalpha mediates sex-specific gene repression and protects the liver from estrogen-induced toxicity in mice.
Leuenberger N., Pradervand S., Wahli W., 2009. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 119 (10) pp. 3138-3148. Peer-reviewed.
The Cul3-KLHL21 E3 ubiquitin ligase targets aurora B to midzone microtubules in anaphase and is required for cytokinesis.
Maerki S., Olma M.H., Staubli T., Steigemann P., Gerlich D.W., Quadroni M., Sumara I., Peter M., 2009. Journal of Cell Biology, 187 (6) pp. 791-800.
The direct effects of tacrolimus and cyclosporin A on isolated human islets: A functional, survival and gene expression study.
Bugliani M., Masini M., Liechti R., Marselli L., Xenarios I., Boggi U., Filipponi F., Masiello P., Marchetti P., 2009. Islets, 1 (2) pp. 106-110.
The functions of sleep.
Franken P., Kopp C., Landolt H.P., Lüthi A., 2009. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (9) pp. 1739-1740.
The genome sequence of taurine cattle: a window to ruminant biology and evolution.
Bovine Genome Sequencing, Analysis Consortium, Elsik C.G., Tellam R.L., Worley K.C., Gibbs R.A., Muzny D.M., Weinstock G.M., Adelson D.L., Eichler E.E. et al., 2009. Science, 324 (5926) pp. 522-528. Peer-reviewed.
The Microbe browser for comparative genomics.
Gattiker A., Dessimoz C., Schneider A., Xenarios I., Pagni M., Rougemont J., 2009. Nucleic Acids Research, 37 (Web Server issue) pp. W296-W299.
Topological origins of chromosomal territories.
Dorier J., Stasiak A., 2009. Nucleic Acids Research, 37 (19) pp. 6316-6322. Peer-reviewed.
Variant ionotropic glutamate receptors as chemosensory receptors in Drosophila.
Benton R., Vannice K.S., Gomez-Diaz C., Vosshall L.B., 2009. Cell, 136 (1) pp. 149-162. Peer-reviewed.
Variation in novel exons (RACEfrags) of the MECP2 gene in Rett syndrome patients and controls.
Makrythanasis P., Kapranov P., Bartoloni L., Reymond A., Deutsch S., Guigó R., Denoeud F., Drenkow J., Rossier C., Ariani F. et al., 2009. Human Mutation, 30 (9) pp. E866-E879. Peer-reviewed.
Alignments with non-overlapping moves, inversions and tandem duplications in O(n 4) time
Ledergerber Christian, Dessimoz Christophe, 2008/10., 16 3, Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
DNA supercoiling inhibits DNA knotting.
Burnier Y., Dorier J., Stasiak A., 2008/09. Nucleic Acids Research, 36 (15) pp. 4956-4963. Peer-reviewed.
Functional and structural basis for a bacteriophage homolog of human RAD52.
Ploquin M., Bransi A., Paquet E.R., Stasiak A.Z., Stasiak A., Yu X., Cieslinska A.M., Egelman E.H., Moineau S., Masson J.Y., 2008/08. Current Biology, 18 (15) pp. 1142-1146. Peer-reviewed.
Efficient targeted transcript discovery via array-based normalization of RACE libraries.
Djebali S., Kapranov P., Foissac S., Lagarde J., Reymond A., Ucla C., Wyss C., Drenkow J., Dumais E., Murray R.R. et al., 2008/07. Nature methods, 5 (7) pp. 629-635. Peer-reviewed.
3D visualization software to analyze topological outcomes of topoisomerase reactions.
Darcy I.K., Scharein R.G., Stasiak A., 2008/06. Nucleic Acids Research, 36 (11) pp. 3515-3521. Peer-reviewed.
Scaling behavior and equilibrium lengths of knotted polymers
Rawdon E., Dobay A., Kern J.C., Millett K.C., Piatek M., Plunkett P., Stasiak A., 2008/06. Macromolecules, 41 (12) pp. 4444-4451. Peer-reviewed.
A glycine-arginine domain in control of the human MRE11 DNA repair protein.
Déry U., Coulombe Y., Rodrigue A., Stasiak A., Richard S., Masson J.Y., 2008/05. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 28 (9) pp. 3058-3069. Peer-reviewed.
SLP-2 interacts with prohibitins in the mitochondrial inner membrane and contributes to their stability.
Da Cruz S., Parone P.A., Gonzalo P., Bienvenut W.V., Tondera D., Jourdain A., Quadroni M., Martinou J.C., 2008/02. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1783 (5) pp. 904-911. Peer-reviewed.
A gut feeling of the PXR, PPAR and NF-kappaB connection.
Wahli W., 2008. Journal of Internal Medicine, 263 (6) pp. 613-619.
A molecular framework for light and gibberellin control of cell elongation.
de Lucas M., Davière J.M., Rodríguez-Falcón M., Pontin M., Iglesias-Pedraz J.M., Lorrain S., Fankhauser C., Blázquez M.A., Titarenko E., Prat S., 2008. Nature, 451 (7177) pp. 480-484. Peer-reviewed.
Abnormal social behaviors and altered gene expression rates in a mouse model for Potocki-Lupski syndrome.
Molina J., Carmona-Mora P., Chrast J., Krall P.M., Canales C.P., Lupski J.R., Reymond A., Walz K., 2008. Human Molecular Genetics, 17 (16) pp. 2486-2495. Peer-reviewed.
Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine production in adipocytes by lowering nuclear factor-kappaB activity via extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2.
Rodríguez-Calvo R., Serrano L., Coll T., Moullan N., Sánchez R.M., Merlos M., Palomer X., Laguna J.C., Michalik L., Wahli W. et al., 2008. Diabetes, 57 (8) pp. 2149-2157. Peer-reviewed.
Affymetrix Whole-Transcript Human Gene 1.0 ST array is highly concordant with standard 3' expression arrays.
Pradervand S., Paillusson A., Thomas J., Weber J., Wirapati P., Hagenbüchle O., Harshman K., 2008. BioTechniques, 44 (6) pp. 759-762. Peer-reviewed.
Antiretroviral activity of ancestral TRIM5alpha.
Goldschmidt V., Ciuffi A., Ortiz M., Brawand D., Muñoz M., Kaessmann H., Telenti A., 2008. Journal of Virology, 82 (5) pp. 2089-2096. Peer-reviewed.
Assaying the regulatory potential of mammalian conserved non-coding sequences in human cells.
Attanasio C., Reymond A., Humbert R., Lyle R., Kuehn M.S., Neph S., Sabo P.J., Goldy J., Weaver M., Haydock A. et al., 2008. Genome biology, 9 (12) pp. R168. Peer-reviewed.
Bilateral olfactory sensory input enhances chemotaxis behavior.
Louis M., Huber T., Benton R., Sakmar T.P., Vosshall L.B., 2008. Nature neuroscience, 11 (2) pp. 187-199. Peer-reviewed.
Birth and rapid subcellular adaptation of a hominoid-specific CDC14 protein
Rosso L., Marques A. C., Weier M., Lambert N., Lambot M. A., Vanderhaeghen P., Kaessmann H., 2008. PLoS Biology, 6 (6) pp. e140. Peer-reviewed.
Blocking VLDL secretion causes hepatic steatosis but does not affect peripheral lipid stores or insulin sensitivity in mice
Minehira K., Young S. G., Villanueva C. J., Yetukuri L., Oresic M., Hellerstein M. K., Farese, R. V., Jr. , Horton J. D., Preitner F., Thorens B. et al., 2008. Journal of Lipid Research, 49 (9) pp. 2038-2044. Peer-reviewed.
c-Cbl expression levels regulate the functional responses of human central and effector memory CD4 T cells.
Brembilla N.C., Weber J., Rimoldi D., Pradervand S., Schütz F., Pantaleo G., Rüegg C., Quadroni M., Harshman K., Doucey M.A., 2008. Blood, 112 (3) pp. 652-660.
Chemical sensing in Drosophila.
Benton R., 2008. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18 (4) pp. 357-363. Peer-reviewed.
Chromosomal gene movements reflect the recent origin and biology of therian sex chromosomes
Potrzebowski L., Vinckenbosch N., Marques A. C., Chalmel F., Jegou B., Kaessmann H., 2008. PLoS Biology, 6 (4) pp. e80. Peer-reviewed.
Deficiency of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor prevents ovariectomy-induced obesity in mice.
Isken F., Pfeiffer A.F., Nogueiras R., Osterhoff M.A., Ristow M., Thorens B., Tschöp M.H., Weickert M.O., 2008. American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, 295 (2) pp. E350-5. Peer-reviewed.
Different transcriptional control of metabolism and extracellular matrix in visceral and subcutaneous fat of obese and rimonabant treated mice.
Poussin C., Hall D., Minehira K., Galzin A.M., Tarussio D., Thorens B., 2008. PLoS ONE, 3 (10) pp. e3385. Peer-reviewed.
Drops in pulse wave amplitude, a micro-arousal scoring surrogate
Delessert A., Espa F., Rossetti A., Lavigne G., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2008. pp. 20S dans Annual Joint Meeting of the Swiss Societies for Pneumology, Paediatric Pneumology, Allergology and Immunology, Thoracic Surgery, Swiss Medical Weekly. Peer-reviewed.
Effect of Knotting on the Shape of Polymers
Rawdon E. J., Kern J. C., Piatek M., Plunkett P., Stasiak A., Millett K. C., 2008. Macromolecules, 41 (21) pp. 8281-8287. Peer-reviewed.
Exendin-4 protects beta-cells from interleukin-1 beta-induced apoptosis by interfering with the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase pathway.
Ferdaoussi M., Abdelli S., Yang J.Y., Cornu M., Niederhauser G., Favre D., Widmann C., Regazzi R., Thorens B., Waeber G. et al., 2008. Diabetes, 57 (5) pp. 1205-1215. Peer-reviewed.
FHY1 mediates nuclear import of the light-activated phytochrome A photoreceptor.
Genoud T., Schweizer F., Tscheuschler A., Debrieux D., Casal J.J., Schäfer E., Hiltbrunner A., Fankhauser C., 2008. PLoS genetics, 4 (8) pp. e1000143. Peer-reviewed.
Functional diversification of duplicate genes through subcellular adaptation of encoded proteins.
Marques A.C., Vinckenbosch N., Brawand D., Kaessmann H., 2008. Genome Biology, 9 (3) pp. R54. Peer-reviewed.
Genetics of sleep.
Andretic R., Franken P., Tafti M., 2008. Annual Review of Genetics, 42 pp. 361-388. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide analysis of cancer/testis gene expression.
Hofmann O., Caballero O.L., Stevenson B.J., Chen Y.T., Cohen T., Chua R., Maher C.A., Panji S., Schaefer U., Kruger A. et al., 2008. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (51) pp. 20422-20427. Peer-reviewed.
Genotypic features of lentivirus transgenic mice.
Sauvain M.O., Dorr A.P., Stevenson B., Quazzola A., Naef F., Wiznerowicz M., Schütz F., Jongeneel V., Duboule D., Spitz F. et al., 2008. Journal of Virology, 82 (14) pp. 7111-7119. Peer-reviewed.
Glucose sensing and the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Thorens B., 2008. International Journal of Obesity, 32 Suppl 6 pp. S62-S71.
Host and invader impact of transfer of the clc genomic island into Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1
Gaillard M., Pernet N., Vogne C., Hagenbuchle O., van der Meer J. R., 2008. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (19) pp. 7058-7063. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of tumor-associated antigens by large-scale analysis of genes expressed in human colorectal cancer.
Alves P.M., Lévy N., Stevenson B.J., Bouzourene H., Theiler G., Bricard G., Viatte S., Ayyoub M., Vuilleumier H., Givel J.C. et al., 2008. Cancer Immunity, 8 p. 11.
Increasing GLP-1-induced beta-cell proliferation by silencing the negative regulators of signaling cAMP response element modulator-alpha and DUSP14.
Klinger S., Poussin C., Debril M.B., Dolci W., Halban P.A., Thorens B., 2008. Diabetes, 57 (3) pp. 584-93. Peer-reviewed.
Indications, perspectives et limites de la stimulation électrique épidurale en cas d'artériopathie périphérique ou coronarienne [Indications, limits and future of epidural spinal cord electrical stimulation for coronary and peripheral artery disease]
Gersbach P., Gardaz J.P., Ferrari E., Haesler E., von Segesser L.K., 2008. Revue Médicale Suisse, 4 (150) pp. 797-804.
Infantile spasms is associated with deletion of the MAGI2 gene on chromosome 7q11.23-q21.11.
Marshall C.R., Young E.J., Pani A.M., Freckmann M.L., Lacassie Y., Howald C., Fitzgerald K.K., Peippo M., Morris C.A., Shane K. et al., 2008. American Journal of Human Genetics, 83 (1) pp. 106-111. Peer-reviewed.
Influence of early antioxidant supplements on clinical evolution and organ function in critically ill cardiac surgery, major trauma, and subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.
Berger M.M., Soguel L., Shenkin A., Revelly J.P., Pinget C., Baines M., Chioléro R.L., 2008. Critical Care, 12 (4) pp. R101.
Integrative analysis of RUNX1 downstream pathways and target genes.
Michaud J., Simpson K.M., Escher R., Buchet-Poyau K., Beissbarth T., Carmichael C., Ritchie M.E., Schütz F., Cannon P., Liu M. et al., 2008. BMC Genomics, 9 (363) p. 363.
Interference of pollutants with PPARs: endocrine disruption meets metabolism.
Casals-Casas C., Feige J.N., Desvergne B., 2008. International Journal of Obesity, 32 Suppl 6 pp. S53-S61. Peer-reviewed.
Intestinal gluconeogenesis is a key factor for early metabolic changes after gastric bypass but not after gastric lap-band in mice.
Troy S., Soty M., Ribeiro L., Laval L., Migrenne S., Fioramonti X., Pillot B., Fauveau V., Aubert R., Viollet B. et al., 2008. Cell Metabolism, 8 (3) pp. 201-211. Peer-reviewed.
Loss of egg yolk genes in mammals and the origin of lactation and placentation
Brawand D., Wahli W., Kaessmann H., 2008. PLoS Biology, 6 (3) pp. e63. Peer-reviewed.
Mating system and avpr1a promoter variation in primates.
Rosso L., Keller L., Kaessmann H., Hammond R.L., 2008. Biology Letters, 4 (4) pp. 375-378. Peer-reviewed.
Meta-analysis of gene expression profiles in breast cancer: toward a unified understanding of breast cancer subtyping and prognosis signatures.
Wirapati P., Sotiriou C., Kunkel S., Farmer P., Pradervand S., Haibe-Kains B., Desmedt C., Ignatiadis M., Sengstag T., Schütz F. et al., 2008. Breast Cancer Research, 10 (4) pp. R65.
Mitochondrial targeting adaptation of the hominoid-specific glutamate dehydrogenase driven by positive Darwinian selection.
Rosso L., Marques A.C., Reichert A.S., Kaessmann H., 2008. PLoS Genetics, 4 (8) pp. e1000150. Peer-reviewed.
Mitotic functions for SNAP45, a subunit of the small nuclear RNA-activating protein complex SNAPc.
Shanmugam M., Hernandez N., 2008. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (21) pp. 14845-14846. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular biology of gluco-incretin function
Klinger S., Thorens B., 2008. pp. 315-334 dans Seino S., Bell G. I. (eds.) Pancreatic Beta Cell in Health and Disease, Springer.
Nutrition, gestion de l'énergie et surpoids: que font donc nos gènes
Wahli W., 2008. Nouveaux cahiers, 3 pp. 44-78.
P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 decameric repeats regulate selectin-dependent rolling under flow conditions.
Tauxe C., Xie X., Joffraud M., Martinez M., Schapira M., Spertini O., 2008. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (42) pp. 28536-28545. Peer-reviewed.
PEG-b-PPS diblock copolymer aggregates for hydrophobic drug solubilization and release: cyclosporin A as an example
Velluto D., Demurtas D., Hubbell J. A., 2008. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 5 (4) pp. 632-642.
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor beta/delta in the Brain: Facts and Hypothesis.
Hall M.G., Quignodon L., Desvergne B., 2008. PPAR Research, 2008 p. 780452.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors mediate host cell proinflammatory responses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa autoinducer.
Jahoor A., Patel R., Bryan A., Do C., Krier J., Watters C., Wahli W., Li G., Williams S.C., Rumbaugh K.P., 2008. Journal of Bacteriology, 190 (13) pp. 4408-4415. Peer-reviewed.
Phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 facilitates rRNA gene transcription by promoting dissociation of TIF-IA from elongating RNA polymerase I.
Bierhoff H., Dundr M., Michels A.A., Grummt I., 2008. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 28 (16) pp. 4988-4998. Peer-reviewed.
PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE1 regulates root phototropism and gravitropism.
Boccalandro H.E., De Simone S.N., Bergmann-Honsberger A., Schepens I., Fankhauser C., Casal J.J., 2008. Plant Physiology, 146 (1) pp. 108-115. Peer-reviewed.
PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE4 modulates phytochrome-mediated control of hypocotyl growth orientation
Schepens I., Boccalandro H. E., Kami C., Casal J. J., Fankhauser C., 2008. Plant Physiology, 147 (2) pp. 661-671. Peer-reviewed.
Phytochrome-mediated inhibition of shade avoidance involves degradation of growth-promoting bHLH transcription factors
Lorrain S., Allen T., Duek P. D., Whitelam G. C., Fankhauser C., 2008. Plant Journal, 53 (2) pp. 312-323. Peer-reviewed.
PPAR disruption: Cellular mechanisms and physiological consequences
Rotman N., Haftek-Terreau Z., Luecke S., Feige J., Gelman L., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2008. CHIMIA, 62 (5) pp. 340-344. Peer-reviewed.
PPAR gamma: ally and foe in bone metabolism.
Wahli W., 2008. Cell Metabolism, 7 (3) pp. 188-190.
PPARdelta/beta: the lobbyist switching macrophage allegiance in favor of metabolism.
Desvergne B., 2008. Cell Metabolism, 7 (6) pp. 467-469. Peer-reviewed.
PPARs Mediate Lipid Signaling in Inflammation and Cancer.
Michalik L., Wahli W., 2008. PPAR Research, 2008 p. 134059. Peer-reviewed.
Proteomic analysis of membrane rafts of melanoma cells identifies protein patterns characteristic of the tumor progression stage.
Baruthio F., Quadroni M., Rüegg C., Mariotti A., 2008. Proteomics, 8 (22) pp. 4733-4747. Peer-reviewed.
PVHL is a regulator of glucose metabolism and insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells.
Zehetner J., Danzer C., Collins S., Eckhardt K., Gerber P.A., Ballschmieter P., Galvanovskis J., Shimomura K., Ashcroft F.M., Thorens B. et al., 2008. Genes and Development, 22 (22) pp. 3135-3146. Peer-reviewed.
RecA-DNA complexes
Stasiak A.Z., Stasiak A., 2008. CHEMTRACTS-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 21 pp. 399-405.
Relative protein quantification by isobaric SILAC with immonium ion splitting (ISIS)
Colzani M., Schutz F., Potts A., Waridel P., Quadroni M., 2008. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 7 (5) pp. 927-937. Peer-reviewed.
RNA-driven cyclin-dependent kinase regulation: when CDK9/cyclin T subunits of P-TEFb meet their ribonucleoprotein partners.
Michels A.A., Bensaude O., 2008. Biotechnology Journal, 3 (8) pp. 1022-1032. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep deprivation effects on circadian clock gene expression in the cerebral cortex parallel electroencephalographic differences among mouse strains.
Wisor J.P., Pasumarthi R.K., Gerashchenko D., Thompson C.L., Pathak S., Sancar A., Franken P., Lein E.S., Kilduff T.S., 2008. Journal of Neuroscience, 28 (28) pp. 7193-7201. Peer-reviewed.
STRING 8--a global view on proteins and their functional interactions in 630 organisms
Jensen L.J., Kuhn M., Stark M., Chaffron S., Creevey C., Muller J., Doerks T., Julien P., Roth A., Simonovic M. et al., 2008. Nucleic Acids Research, 37 (Database issue) pp. D412-D416.
SWPS3 – fast multi-threaded vectorized Smith-Waterman for IBM Cell/B.E. and ×86/SSE2
Szalkowski Adam, Ledergerber Christian, Krähenbühl Philipp, Dessimoz Christophe, 2008. BMC Research Notes, 1 (1) p. 107.
T-type Ca2+ channels, SK2 channels and SERCAs gate sleep-related oscillations in thalamic dendrites.
Cueni L., Canepari M., Luján R., Emmenegger Y., Watanabe M., Bond C.T., Franken P., Adelman J.P., Lüthi A., 2008. Nature Neuroscience, 11 (6) pp. 683-692. Peer-reviewed.
The evolutionary conserved BER1 gene is involved in microtubule stability in yeast
Fiechter V., Cameroni E., Cerutti L., De V. C., Barral Y., Fankhauser C., 2008. Current Genetics, 53 (2) pp. 107-115. Peer-reviewed.
The evolutionary history of the CD209 (DC-SIGN) family in humans and non-human primates
Ortiz M., Kaessmann H., Zhang K., Bashirova A., Carrington M., Quintana-Murci L., Telenti A., 2008. Genes and Immunity, 9 (6) pp. 483-492. Peer-reviewed.
The Fanconi anemia protein FANCM can promote branch migration of Holliday junctions and replication forks.
Gari K., Décaillet C., Stasiak A.Z., Stasiak A., Constantinou A., 2008/01. Molecular Cell, 29 (1) pp. 141-148. Peer-reviewed.
The genetic basis of sleep disorders.
Dauvilliers Y., Tafti M., 2008. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 14 (32) pp. 3386-3395. Peer-reviewed.
The protein phosphatase 7 regulates phytochrome signaling in Arabidopsis.
Genoud T., Santa Cruz M.T., Kulisic T., Sparla F., Fankhauser C., Métraux J.P., 2008. PloS one, 3 (7) pp. e2699. Peer-reviewed.
Tissue repair and cancer control through PPARs and their coregulators
Michalik L., Wahli W., 2008. pp. 409-440 dans Kumar B., O'Malley R. W. (eds.) Nuclear Receptor Coregulators in Human Diseases chap. 13, World Scientific Publishing.
Transposing phytochrome into the nucleus.
Fankhauser C., Chen M., 2008. Trends in Plant Science, 13 (11) pp. 596-601. Peer-reviewed.
Unilateral periodic leg movements during wakefulness and sleep after a parietal hemorrhage.
Rossetti A.O., Heinzer R., Espa F., Tafti M., 2008. Sleep Medicine, 9 (4) pp. 465-466.
Williams-Beuren syndrome TRIM50 encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase.
Micale L., Fusco C., Augello B., Napolitano L.M., Dermitzakis E.T., Meroni G., Merla G., Reymond A., 2008. European Journal of Human Genetics, 16 (9) pp. 1038-1049. Peer-reviewed.
An essential role for a CD36-related receptor in pheromone detection in Drosophila.
Benton R., Vannice K.S., Vosshall L.B., 2007/11. Nature, 450 (7167) pp. 289-293. Peer-reviewed.
C. elegans RPM-1 regulates axon termination and synaptogenesis through the Rab GEF GLO-4 and the Rab GTPase GLO-1.
Grill B., Bienvenut W.V., Brown H.M., Ackley B.D., Quadroni M., Jin Y., 2007/08. Neuron, 55 (4) pp. 587-601. Peer-reviewed.
Comprehensive analysis of proteins secreted by Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton violaceum under in vitro conditions.
Giddey K., Monod M., Barblan J., Potts A., Waridel P., Zaugg C., Quadroni M., 2007/08. Journal of proteome research, 6 (8) pp. 3081-3092. Peer-reviewed.
A Cul3-based E3 ligase removes Aurora B from mitotic chromosomes, regulating mitotic progression and completion of cytokinesis in human cells.
Sumara I., Quadroni M., Frei C., Olma M.H., Sumara G., Ricci R., Peter M., 2007/06. Developmental cell, 12 (6) pp. 887-900. Peer-reviewed.
Double gene deletion reveals the lack of cooperation between PPARalpha and PPARbeta in skeletal muscle.
Bedu E., Desplanches D., Pequignot J., Bordier B., Desvergne B., 2007/06. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 357 (4) pp. 877-881. Peer-reviewed.
Development and preclinical assessment of a bioartificial pancreas.
Thorens B., 2007/03/02. Swiss medical weekly, 137 (Suppl 155) pp. 68S-71S. Peer-reviewed.
Closely related dermatophyte species produce different patterns of secreted proteins.
Giddey K., Favre B., Quadroni M., Monod M., 2007/02. Fems Microbiology Letters, 267 (1) pp. 95-101. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of novel functional TBP-binding sites and general factor repertoires.
Denissov S., van Driel M., Voit R., Hekkelman M., Hulsen T., Hernandez N., Grummt I., Wehrens R., Stunnenberg H., 2007/02. EMBO Journal, 26 (4) pp. 944-954. Peer-reviewed.
A non-circadian role for clock-genes in sleep homeostasis: a strain comparison.
Franken P., Thomason R., Heller H.C., O'Hara B.F., 2007. BMC Neuroscience, 8 (1) p. 87. Peer-reviewed.
Adipose tissue integrity as a prerequisite for systemic energy balance: a critical role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma.
Anghel S.I., Bedu E., Vivier C.D., Descombes P., Desvergne B., Wahli W., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (41) pp. 29946-29957. Peer-reviewed.
Association with coregulators is the major determinant governing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor mobility in living cells.
Tudor C., Feige J.N., Pingali H., Lohray V.B., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Engelborghs Y., Gelman L., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (7) pp. 4417-4426. Peer-reviewed.
Autoproteolysis of PIDD marks the bifurcation between pro-death caspase-2 and pro-survival NF-kappaB pathway.
Tinel A., Janssens S., Lippens S., Cuenin S., Logette E., Jaccard B., Quadroni M., Tschopp J., 2007/01. EMBO Journal, 26 (1) pp. 197-208. Peer-reviewed.
Brain glucose sensing, counterregulation, and energy homeostasis.
Marty N., Dallaporta M., Thorens B., 2007. Physiology, 22 pp. 241-251.
Broadening the horizon--level 2.5 of the HUPO-PSI format for molecular interactions.
Kerrien S., Orchard S., Montecchi-Palazzi L., Aranda B., Quinn A.F., Vinod N., Bader G.D., Xenarios I., Wojcik J., Sherman D. et al., 2007. BMC Biology, 5 p. 44.
CHD8 associates with human Staf and contributes to efficient U6 RNA polymerase III transcription.
Yuan C.C., Zhao X., Florens L., Swanson S.K., Washburn M.P., Hernandez N., 2007. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 27 (24) pp. 8729-8738. Peer-reviewed.
Combined simulation and mutagenesis analyses reveal the involvement of key residues for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha helix 12 dynamic behavior.
Michalik L., Zoete V., Krey G., Grosdidier A., Gelman L., Chodanowski P., Feige J.N., Desvergne B., Wahli W., Michielin O., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (13) pp. 9666-9677. Peer-reviewed.
E2F activation of S phase promoters via association with HCF-1 and the MLL family of histone H3K4 methyltransferases.
Tyagi S., Chabes A.L., Wysocka J., Herr W., 2007. Molecular Cell, 27 (1) pp. 107-119. Peer-reviewed.
Epigenetic regulation of histone H3 serine 10 phosphorylation status by HCF-1 proteins in C. elegans and mammalian cells.
Lee S., Horn V., Julien E., Liu Y., Wysocka J., Bowerman B., Hengartner M.O., Herr W., 2007. PLoS ONE, 2 (11) pp. e1213. Peer-reviewed.
Expression of the gene encoding the high-Km glucose transporter 2 by the early postimplantation mouse embryo is essential for neural tube defects associated with diabetic embryopathy.
Li R., Thorens B., Loeken M.R., 2007. Diabetologia, 50 (3) pp. 682-689. Peer-reviewed.
Fat poetry: a kingdom for PPAR gamma.
Anghel S.I., Wahli W., 2007. Cell Research, 17 (6) pp. 486-511. Peer-reviewed.
Functional implication of the vitamin A signaling pathway in the brain.
Tafti M., Ghyselinck N.B., 2007. Archives of Neurology, 64 (12) pp. 1706-1711. Peer-reviewed.
Genomic and proteomic approaches towards an understanding of sleep.
O'Hara B.F., Ding J., Bernat R.L., Franken P., 2007. CNS and Neurological Disorders Drug Targets, 6 (1) pp. 71-81. Peer-reviewed.
GLUT2 and the incretin receptors are involved in glucose-induced incretin secretion.
Cani P.D., Holst J.J., Drucker D.J., Delzenne N.M., Thorens B., Burcelin R., Knauf C., 2007. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 276 (1-2) pp. 18-23. Peer-reviewed.
Glycogen synthase 2 is a novel target gene of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors.
Mandard S., Stienstra R., Escher P., Tan N.S., Kim I., Gonzalez F.J., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Müller M., Kersten S., 2007. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64 (9) pp. 1145-1157. Peer-reviewed.
Guiding ligands to nuclear receptors.
Michalik L., Wahli W., 2007. Cell, 129 (4) pp. 649-651. Peer-reviewed.
Homer1a is a core brain molecular correlate of sleep loss.
Maret S., Dorsaz S., Gurcel L., Pradervand S., Petit B., Pfister C., Hagenbuchle O., O'Hara B.F., Franken P., Tafti M., 2007. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (50) pp. 20090-20095. Peer-reviewed.
Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project.
Birney E., Stamatoyannopoulos J.A., Dutta A., Guigó R., Gingeras T.R., Margulies E.H., Weng Z., Snyder M., Dermitzakis E.T., Thurman R.E. et al., 2007. Nature, 447 (7146) pp. 799-816. Peer-reviewed.
IL-13 induces expression of CD36 in human monocytes through PPARgamma activation.
Berry A., Balard P., Coste A., Olagnier D., Lagane C., Authier H., Benoit-Vical F., Lepert J.C., Séguéla J.P., Magnaval J.F. et al., 2007. European Journal of Immunology, 37 (6) pp. 1642-1652. Peer-reviewed.
Islands of euchromatin-like sequence and expressed polymorphic sequences within the short arm of human chromosome 21.
Lyle R., Prandini P., Osoegawa K., ten Hallers B., Humphray S., Zhu B., Eyras E., Castelo R., Bird C.P., Gagos S. et al., 2007. Genome Research, 17 (11) pp. 1690-1696. Peer-reviewed.
Malignant transformation of DMBA/TPA-induced papillomas and nevi in the skin of mice selectively lacking retinoid-X-receptor alpha in epidermal keratinocytes.
Indra A.K., Castaneda E., Antal M.C., Jiang M., Messaddeq N., Meng X., Loehr C.V., Gariglio P., Kato S., Wahli W. et al., 2007. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127 (5) pp. 1250-1260. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular analysis of sleep.
Tafti M., Franken P., 2007. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 72 pp. 573-578. Peer-reviewed.
Molecular basis of selective PPARgamma modulation for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
Gelman L., Feige J.N., Desvergne B., 2007. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1771 (8) pp. 1094-1107. Peer-reviewed.
MRI monitoring of focal cerebral ischemia in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-deficient mice.
Pialat J.B., Cho T.H., Beuf O., Joye E., Moucharrafie S., Moucharaffie S., Langlois J.B., Nemoz C., Janier M., Berthezene Y. et al., 2007. NMR in Biomedicine, 20 (3) pp. 335-342. Peer-reviewed.
Narcolepsy and familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome: molecular genetics of sleep disorders.
Tafti M., Dauvilliers Y., Overeem S., 2007. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 17 (3) pp. 222-227. Peer-reviewed.
On a roll for new TRF targets.
Reina J.H., Hernandez N., 2007. Genes and Development, 21 (22) pp. 2855-2860. Peer-reviewed.
Pattern recognition of sleep in rodents using piezoelectric signals generated by gross body movements.
Flores A.E., Flores J.E., Deshpande H., Picazo J.A., Xie X.S., Franken P., Heller H.C., Grahn D.A., O'Hara B.F., 2007. IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering, 54 (2) pp. 225-233. Peer-reviewed.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in skin health, repair and disease.
Michalik L., Wahli W., 2007. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1771 (8) pp. 991-998. Peer-reviewed.
PPARs special issue: anchoring the present to explore the future.
Desvergne B., 2007. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1771 (8) pp. 913-914. Peer-reviewed.
Prominent use of distal 5' transcription start sites and discovery of a large number of additional exons in ENCODE regions.
Denoeud F., Kapranov P., Ucla C., Frankish A., Castelo R., Drenkow J., Lagarde J., Alioto T., Manzano C., Chrast J. et al., 2007. Genome Research, 17 (6) pp. 746-759. Peer-reviewed.
Pseudogenes in the ENCODE regions: consensus annotation, analysis of transcription, and evolution.
Zheng D., Frankish A., Baertsch R., Kapranov P., Reymond A., Choo S.W., Lu Y., Denoeud F., Antonarakis S.E., Snyder M. et al., 2007. Genome Research, 17 (6) pp. 839-851. Peer-reviewed.
Quantitative genetics of sleep in inbred mice.
Tafti M., 2007. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 9 (3) pp. 273-278. Peer-reviewed.
Reply to 'Promotion of sleep by targeting the orexin system in rats, dogs and humans'.
Tafti M., 2007. Nature Medicine, 13 (5) pp. 525-6; author reply 526.
Retinaldehyde: more than meets the eye.
Desvergne B., 2007. Nature Medicine, 13 (6) pp. 671-673. Peer-reviewed.
Rhythmic growth explained by coincidence between internal and external cues.
Nozue K., Covington M.F., Duek P.D., Lorrain S., Fankhauser C., Harmer S.L., Maloof J.N., 2007. Nature, 448 (7151) pp. 358-361. Peer-reviewed.
Roles of the peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha and beta/delta in skin wound healing
Michalik L., Wahli W., 2007., Proceedings of the Esteve Foundation Symposium 12, held between 4 and 7 October 2006, S'Agaro (Girona), Spain pp. 45-52 dans Werner S. (eds.) Molecular Biology and Pharmacology of tissue Repair, International Congress Series, Elsevier.
RXR: from partnership to leadership in metabolic regulations.
Desvergne B., 2007. Vitamins and Hormones, 75 pp. 1-32. Peer-reviewed.
Sensitivity and specificity in Drosophila pheromone perception.
Benton R., 2007. Trends in Neurosciences, 30 (10) pp. 512-519. Peer-reviewed.
Side effects of genome structural changes.
Reymond A., Henrichsen C.N., Harewood L., Merla G., 2007. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development, 17 (5) pp. 381-386. Peer-reviewed.
Smell and taste on a high: symposium on chemical senses: from genes to perception.
Asahina K., Benton R., 2007. EMBO Reports, 8 (7) pp. 634-638. Peer-reviewed.
Species selectivity of mixed-lineage leukemia/trithorax and HCF proteolytic maturation pathways.
Capotosti F., Hsieh J.J., Herr W., 2007. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 27 (20) pp. 7063-7072. Peer-reviewed.
Splicing and the evolution of proteins in mammals.
Parmley J.L., Urrutia A.O., Potrzebowski L., Kaessmann H., Hurst L.D., 2007. Plos Biology, 5 (2) pp. e14. Peer-reviewed.
Stage-specific integration of maternal and embryonic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta signaling is critical to pregnancy success.
Wang H., Xie H., Sun X., Tranguch S., Zhang H., Jia X., Wang D., Das S.K., Desvergne B., Wahli W. et al., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (52) pp. 37770-37782. Peer-reviewed.
Structured RNAs in the ENCODE selected regions of the human genome.
Washietl S., Pedersen J.S., Korbel J.O., Stocsits C., Gruber A.R., Hackermüller J., Hertel J., Lindemeyer M., Reiche K., Tanzer A. et al., 2007. Genome Research, 17 (6) pp. 852-864. Peer-reviewed.
The endocrine disruptor monoethyl-hexyl-phthalate is a selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma modulator that promotes adipogenesis.
Feige J.N., Gelman L., Rossi D., Zoete V., Métivier R., Tudor C., Anghel S.I., Grosdidier A., Lathion C., Engelborghs Y. et al., 2007. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (26) pp. 19152-19166. Peer-reviewed.
The implications of alternative splicing in the ENCODE protein complement.
Tress M.L., Martelli P.L., Frankish A., Reeves G.A., Wesselink J.J., Yeats C., Olason P.I., Albrecht M., Hegyi H., Giorgetti A. et al., 2007. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 (13) pp. 5495-5500. Peer-reviewed.
The Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist is a direct target gene of PPARalpha in liver.
Stienstra R., Mandard S., Tan N.S., Wahli W., Trautwein C., Richardson T.A., Lichtenauer-Kaligis E., Kersten S., Müller M., 2007. Journal of Hepatology, 46 (5) pp. 869-877. Peer-reviewed.
The M-Coffee web server: a meta-method for computing multiple sequence alignments by combining alternative alignment methods.
Moretti S., Armougom F., Wallace I.M., Higgins D.G., Jongeneel C.V., Notredame C., 2007. Nucleic Acids Research, 35 (Web Server issue) pp. W645-8. Peer-reviewed.
The nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta potentiates cell chemotactism, polarization, and migration.
Tan N.S., Icre G., Montagner A., Bordier-ten-Heggeler B., Wahli W., Michalik L., 2007. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 27 (20) pp. 7161-7175. Peer-reviewed.
The quality of waking and process S.
Franken P., 2007. Sleep, 30 (2) pp. 126-127.
The serine-rich N-terminal region of Arabidopsis phytochrome A is required for protein stability.
Trupkin S.A., Debrieux D., Hiltbrunner A., Fankhauser C., Casal J.J., 2007. Plant Molecular Biology, 63 (5) pp. 669-678. Peer-reviewed.
Chemical derivatization of phosphoserine and phosphothreonine containing peptides to increase sensitivity for MALDI-based analysis and for selectivity of MS/MS analysis.
Arrigoni G., Resjö S., Levander F., Nilsson R., Degerman E., Quadroni M., Pinna L.A., James P., 2006/02. Proteomics, 6 (3) pp. 757-766. Peer-reviewed.
A growth hormone-releasing peptide that binds scavenger receptor CD36 and ghrelin receptor up-regulates sterol transporters and cholesterol efflux in macrophages through a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-dependent pathway.
Avallone R., Demers A., Rodrigue-Way A., Bujold K., Harb D., Anghel S., Wahli W., Marleau S., Ong H., Tremblay A., 2006. Molecular Endocrinology, 20 (12) pp. 3165-3178. Peer-reviewed.
A missing sugar prevents glucose entry: a new twist on insulin secretion.
Thorens B., 2006. Cell Metabolism, 3 (1) pp. 3-5. Peer-reviewed.
A role for Yin Yang-1 (YY1) in the assembly of snRNA transcription complexes.
Emran F., Florens L., Ma B., Swanson S.K., Washburn M.P., Hernandez N., 2006. Gene, 377 pp. 96-108. Peer-reviewed.
A toggle for type 2 diabetes?
Thorens B., 2006. New England Journal of Medicine, 354 (15) pp. 1636-1638.
Actin's latest act: polymerizing to facilitate transcription?
Vieu E., Hernandez N., 2006. Nature Cell Biology, 8 (7) pp. 650-651. Peer-reviewed.
Atypical membrane topology and heteromeric function of Drosophila odorant receptors in vivo.
Benton R., Sachse S., Michnick S.W., Vosshall L.B., 2006. Plos Biology, 4 (2) pp. e20. Peer-reviewed.
Biochemical and molecular analysis of signaling components
Fankhauser C., Bowler C., 2006. pp. 379-406 dans Schäfer E., Nagy F. (eds.) Photomorphogenesis in Plants and Bacteria chap. 19, Springer.
Chromosome 21, Disorders
Deutsch S., Antonarakis S., Reymond A., 2006. pp. 280-287 dans Ganten D., Ruckpaul K. (eds.) Encyclopedic reference of genomics and proteomics in molecular medicine, Springer.
Crosstalk between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta and VEGF stimulates cancer progression.
Wang D., Wang H., Guo Y., Ning W., Katkuri S., Wahli W., Desvergne B., Dey S.K., DuBois R.N., 2006. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (50) pp. 19069-19074. Peer-reviewed.
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