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1744 publications

... | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | ...
Photomorphogenesis and Photoreceptors
de Wit M., Pierik R, 2016. pp. 171-186 dans Hikosaka K., Niinemets U., Anten N.P.R. (eds.) Canopy Photosynthesis: From Basics to Applications, Springer.
Prevalence and determinants of periodic limb movements in the general population.
Haba-Rubio J., Marti-Soler H., Marques-Vidal P., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Waeber G., Vollenweider P., Kutalik Z., Tafti M. et al., 2016. Annals of Neurology, 79 (3) pp. 464-474. Peer-reviewed.
Proteolysis of HCF-1 by Ser/Thr glycosylation-incompetent O-GlcNAc transferase:UDP-GlcNAc complexes.
Kapuria V., Röhrig U.F., Bhuiyan T., Borodkin V.S., van Aalten D.M., Zoete V., Herr W., 2016. Genes and Development, 30 (8) pp. 960-972. Peer-reviewed.
Reciprocal Effects on Neurocognitive and Metabolic Phenotypes in Mouse Models of 16p11.2 Deletion and Duplication Syndromes.
Arbogast T., Ouagazzal A.M., Chevalier C., Kopanitsa M., Afinowi N., Migliavacca E., Cowling B.S., Birling M.C., Champy M.F., Reymond A. et al., 2016. PLoS Genetics, 12 (2) pp. e1005709. Peer-reviewed.
Reporting incidental findings of genomic disorder-associated copy number variants to unselected biobank participants
Leitsalu L., Alavere H., Jacquemont S., Kolk A., Maillard A.M., Reigo A., Noukas M., Reymond A., Mannik K., Ng P.C. et al., 2016. Personalized Medicine, 13 (4) pp. 303-314.
RNA Sequencing-Based Genome Reannotation of the Dermatophyte Arthroderma benhamiae and Characterization of Its Secretome and Whole Gene Expression Profile during Infection.
Tran V.D., De Coi N., Feuermann M., Schmid-Siegert E., Băguţ E.T., Mignon B., Waridel P., Peter C., Pradervand S., Pagni M. et al., 2016. mSystems, 1 (4) pp. e00036. Peer-reviewed.
Sensing Gram-negative bacteria: a phylogenetic perspective.
Neyen C., Lemaitre B., 2016. Current Opinion in Immunology, 38 pp. 8-17.
Shadow on the Plant: A Strategy to Exit.
Fankhauser C., Batschauer A., 2016. Cell, 164 (1-2) pp. 15-17. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep Characteristics in Early Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in the HypnoLaus Cohort.
Ogna A., Forni Ogna V., Haba Rubio J., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Tafti M., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques-Vidal P. et al., 2016. Sleep, 39 (4) pp. 945-953. Peer-reviewed.
Social networks help to infer causality in the tumor microenvironment.
Crespo I., Doucey M.A., Xenarios I., 2016. Bmc Research Notes, 9 (1) p. 168. Peer-reviewed.
Sorcin links pancreatic β cell lipotoxicity to ER Ca2+ stores.
Marmugi A., Parnis J., Chen X., Carmichael L., Hardy J., Mannan N., Marchetti P., Piemonti L., Bosco D., Johnson P. et al., 2016. Diabetes, 65 (4) pp. 1009-1021.
Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs.
Altenhoff A.M., Boeckmann B., Capella-Gutierrez S., Dalquen D.A., DeLuca T., Forslund K., Huerta-Cepas J., Linard B., Pereira C., Pryszcz L.P. et al., 2016. Nature Methods, 13 (5) pp. 425-430. Peer-reviewed.
Synaptic dysfunction, memory deficits and hippocampal atrophy due to ablation of mitochondrial fission in adult forebrain neurons.
Oettinghaus B., Schulz J.M., Restelli L.M., Licci M., Savoia C., Schmidt A., Schmitt K., Grimm A., Morè L., Hench J. et al., 2016. Cell Death and Differentiation, 23 (1) pp. 18-28.
The European Narcolepsy Network (EU-NN) database.
Khatami R., Luca G., Baumann C.R., Bassetti C.L., Bruni O., Canellas F., Dauvilliers Y., Del Rio-Villegas R., Feketeova E., Ferri R. et al., 2016. Journal of Sleep Research, 25 (3) pp. 356-364. Peer-reviewed.
The EXS Domain of PHO1 Participates in the Response of Shoots to Phosphate Deficiency via a Root-to-Shoot Signal.
Wege S., Khan G.A., Jung J.Y., Vogiatzaki E., Pradervand S., Aller I., Meyer A.J., Poirier Y., 2016. Plant Physiology, 170 (1) pp. 385-400.
The Genome of the Toluene-Degrading Pseudomonas veronii Strain 1YdBTEX2 and Its Differential Gene Expression in Contaminated Sand.
Morales M., Sentchilo V., Bertelli C., Komljenovic A., Kryuchkova-Mostacci N., Bourdilloud A., Linke B., Goesmann A., Harshman K., Segers F. et al., 2016. PloS one, 11 (11) pp. e0165850. Peer-reviewed.
The life history of retrocopies illuminates the evolution of new mammalian genes.
Carelli F.N., Hayakawa T., Go Y., Imai H., Warnefors M., Kaessmann H., 2016. Genome Research, 26 (3) pp. 301-314.
Translational contributions to tissue-specificity in rhythmic and constitutive gene expression.
Castelo-Szekely V., Arpat A.B., Janich P., Gatfield D., 2016..
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, the Manually Annotated Section of the UniProt KnowledgeBase: How to Use the Entry View.
Boutet E., Lieberherr D., Tognolli M., Schneider M., Bansal P., Bridge A.J., Poux S., Bougueleret L., Xenarios I., 2016. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1374 pp. 23-54. Peer-reviewed.
Dpp spreading is required for medial but not for lateral wing disc growth.
Harmansa S., Hamaratoglu F., Affolter M., Caussinus E., 2015/11. Nature, 527 (7578) pp. 317-322. Peer-reviewed.
PPARβ/δ ameliorates fructose-induced insulin resistance in adipocytes by preventing Nrf2 activation
Barroso Emma, Rodríguez-Rodríguez Rosalía, Chacón Matilde R., Maymó-Masip Elsa, Ferrer Laura, Salvadó Laia, Salmerón Emilio, Wabistch Martin, Palomer Xavier, Vendrell Joan et al., 2015/05. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1852 (5) pp. 1049-1058. Peer-reviewed.
The 16p11.2 locus modulates brain structures common to autism, schizophrenia and obesity.
Maillard A.M., Ruef A., Pizzagalli F., Migliavacca E., Hippolyte L., Adaszewski S., Dukart J., Ferrari C., Conus P., Männik K. et al., 2015/02. Molecular psychiatry, 20 (1) pp. 140-147. Peer-reviewed.
A cnidarian homologue of an insect gustatory receptor functions in developmental body patterning.
Saina M., Busengdal H., Sinigaglia C., Petrone L., Oliveri P., Rentzsch F., Benton R., 2015. Nature Communications, 6 p. 6243. Peer-reviewed.
A neuron-specific deletion of the microRNA-processing enzyme DICER induces severe but transient obesity in mice.
Mang G.M., Pradervand S., Du N.H., Arpat A.B., Preitner F., Wigger L., Gatfield D., Franken P., 2015. PLoS One, 10 (1) pp. e0116760.
A Potential Contributory Role for Ciliary Dysfunction in the 16p11.2 600 kb BP4-BP5 Pathology.
Migliavacca E., Golzio C., Männik K., Blumenthal I., Oh E.C., Harewood L., Kosmicki J.A., Loviglio M.N., Giannuzzi G., Hippolyte L. et al., 2015. American Journal of Human Genetics, 96 (5) pp. 784-796.
Age and gender variations of sleep in subjects without sleep disorders.
Luca G., Haba Rubio J., Andries D., Tobback N., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Marques Vidal P., Preisig M., Heinzer R., Tafti M., 2015. Annals of Medicine, 47 (6) pp. 482-491.
Aldosterone effects on glomerular structure and function.
Bernardi S., Toffoli B., Zennaro C., Bossi F., Losurdo P., Michelli A., Carretta R., Mulatero P., Fallo F., Veglio F. et al., 2015. Journal of the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone System : Jraas, 16 (4) pp. 730-738.
Amino acid coevolution reveals three-dimensional structure and functional domains of insect odorant receptors.
Hopf T.A., Morinaga S., Ihara S., Touhara K., Marks D.S., Benton R., 2015. Nature Communications, 6 (6077) p. 6077. Peer-reviewed.
An Extended, Boolean Model of the Septation Initiation Network in S.Pombe Provides Insights into Its Regulation.
Chasapi A., Wachowicz P., Niknejad A., Collin P., Krapp A., Cano E., Simanis V., Xenarios I., 2015. Plos One, 10 (8) pp. e0134214.
Analysis of S. pombe SIN protein association to the SPB reveals two genetically separable states of the SIN.
Wachowicz P., Chasapi A., Krapp A., Cano Del Rosario E., Schmitter D., Sage D., Unser M., Xenarios I., Rougemont J., Simanis V., 2015. Journal of Cell Science, 128 (4) pp. 741-754.
Angiogenic activity of breast cancer patients' monocytes reverted by combined use of systems modeling and experimental approaches.
Guex N., Crespo I., Bron S., Ifticene-Treboux A., Faes-Van't Hull E., Kharoubi S., Liechti R., Werffeli P., Ibberson M., Majo F. et al., 2015. PLoS Computational Biology, 11 (3) pp. e1004050. Peer-reviewed.
arrayMap 2014: an updated cancer genome resource.
Cai H., Gupta S., Rath P., Ai N., Baudis M., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (Database issue) pp. D825-D830.
Assessing Recent Selection and Functionality at Long Noncoding RNA Loci in the Mouse Genome.
Wiberg R.A., Halligan D.L., Ness R.W., Necsulea A., Kaessmann H., Keightley P.D., 2015. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7 (8) pp. 2432-2444. Peer-reviewed.
Association of socioeconomic status with sleep disturbances in the Swiss population-based CoLaus study.
Stringhini S., Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Preisig M., Guessous I., Bovet P., Vollenweider P., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2015. Sleep Medicine, 16 (4) pp. 469-476. Peer-reviewed.
Authorship in scientific publications: analysis and recommendations.
Scientific Integrity Committee of Swiss Academies of Arts And Sciences, Hess C.W., Brückner C., Kaiser T., Mauron A., Wahli W., Wenzel U.J., Salathé M., 2015. Swiss medical weekly, 145 pp. w14108. Peer-reviewed.
Autocrine Action of IGF2 Regulates Adult β-Cell Mass and Function.
Modi H., Jacovetti C., Tarussio D., Metref S., Madsen O.D., Zhang F.P., Rantakari P., Poutanen M., Nef S., Gorman T. et al., 2015. Diabetes, 64 (12) pp. 4148-4157. Peer-reviewed.
Bad sleep? Don't blame the moon! A population-based study.
Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Tobback N., Andries D., Preisig M., Kuehner C., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Luca G., Tafti M. et al., 2015. Sleep Medicine, 16 (11) pp. 1321-1326. Peer-reviewed.
Brain glucose sensing in homeostatic and hedonic regulation.
Steinbusch L., Labouèbe G., Thorens B., 2015. Trends In Endocrinology and Metabolism: Tem, 26 (9) pp. 455-466.
BRF1 mutations alter RNA polymerase III-dependent transcription and cause neurodevelopmental anomalies.
Borck G., Hög F., Dentici M.L., Tan P.L., Sowada N., Medeira A., Gueneau L., Thiele H., Kousi M., Lepri F. et al., 2015. Genome Research, 25 (2) pp. 155-166.
Cardiac-Specific SOCS3 Deletion Prevents In Vivo Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury through Sustained Activation of Cardioprotective Signaling Molecules.
Nagata T., Yasukawa H., Kyogoku S., Oba T., Takahashi J., Nohara S., Minami T., Mawatari K., Sugi Y., Shimozono K. et al., 2015. PLoS One, 10 (5) pp. e0127942.
Catechol-O-methyltransferase, dopamine, and sleep-wake regulation.
Dauvilliers Y., Tafti M., Landolt H.P., 2015. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 22 pp. 47-53. Peer-reviewed.
Central and peripheral metabolic changes induced by gamma-hydroxybutyrate.
Luca G., Vienne J., Vaucher A., Jimenez S., Tafti M., 2015. Sleep, 38 (2) pp. 305-313.
Characterization of pancreatic NMDA receptors as possible drug targets for diabetes treatment.
Marquard J., Otter S., Welters A., Stirban A., Fischer A., Eglinger J., Herebian D., Kletke O., Klemen M.S., Stožer A. et al., 2015. Nature Medicine, 21 (4) pp. 363-372.
Circadian and feeding rhythms differentially affect rhythmic mRNA transcription and translation in mouse liver.
Atger F., Gobet C., Marquis J., Martin E., Wang J., Weger B., Lefebvre G., Descombes P., Naef F., Gachon F., 2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (47) pp. E6579-E6588. Peer-reviewed.
Clic4, a novel protein that sensitizes β-cells to apoptosis.
Patel D., Ythier D., Brozzi F., Eizirik D.L., Thorens B., 2015. Molecular Metabolism, 4 (4) pp. 253-264.
Clock-Talk: Interactions between Central and Peripheral Circadian Oscillators in Mammals.
Schibler U., Gotic I., Saini C., Gos P., Curie T., Emmenegger Y., Sinturel F., Gosselin P., Gerber A., Fleury-Olela F. et al., 2015. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 80 pp. 223-232.
Comment on "Antibodies to influenza nucleoprotein cross-react with human hypocretin receptor 2".
Vassalli A., Li S., Tafti M., 2015. Science Translational Medicine, 7 (314) pp. 314le2. Peer-reviewed.
Comparative genome analysis of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13, the first bacterium known to degrade chloroaromatic compounds.
Miyazaki R., Bertelli C., Benaglio P., Canton J., De Coi N., Gharib W.H., Gjoksi B., Goesmann A., Greub G., Harshman K. et al., 2015. Environmental Microbiology, 17 (1) pp. 91-104.
Contrasting growth responses in lamina and petiole during neighbor detection depend on differential auxin responsiveness rather than different auxin levels.
de Wit M., Ljung K., Fankhauser C., 2015. New Phytologist, 208 (1) pp. 198-209.
Cooperative development of logical modelling standards and tools with CoLoMoTo.
Naldi A., Monteiro P.T., Müssel C., Consortium for Logical Models, Tools , Kestler H.A., Kestler H.A., Thieffry D., Xenarios I., Saez-Rodriguez J. et al., 2015. Bioinformatics, 31 (7) pp. 1154-1159. Peer-reviewed.
Copy number variations and cognitive phenotypes in unselected populations
Männik K., Mägi R., Macé A., Cole B., Guyatt A.L., Shihab H.A., Maillard A.M., Alavere H., Kolk A., Reigo A. et al., 2015. Journal of the American Medical Association, 313 (20) pp. 2044-2054. Peer-reviewed.
Cytokine-induced sleep: Neurons respond to TNF with production of chemokines and increased expression of Homer1a in vitro.
Karrer M., Lopez M.A., Meier D., Mikhail C., Ogunshola O.O., Müller A.F., Strauss L., Tafti M., Fontana A., 2015. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 47 (6) pp. 186-192. Peer-reviewed.
Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a class of bioisosteric oximes of the novel dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α/γ ligand LT175.
Piemontese L., Fracchiolla G., Carrieri A., Parente M., Laghezza A., Carbonara G., Sblano S., Tauro M., Gilardi F., Tortorella P. et al., 2015. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 90 pp. 583-594. Peer-reviewed.
Different flavors of Toll guide olfaction.
Neyen C., Lemaitre B., 2015. Trends in Immunology, 36 (8) pp. 439-441. Peer-reviewed.
Differential regulation of the Hippo pathway by adherens junctions and apical-basal cell polarity modules.
Yang C.C., Graves H.K., Moya I.M., Tao C., Hamaratoglu F., Gladden A.B., Halder G., 2015. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (6) pp. 1785-1790.
Distinct OGT-Binding Sites Promote HCF-1 Cleavage.
Bhuiyan T., Waridel P., Kapuria V., Zoete V., Herr W., 2015. Plos One, 10 (8) pp. e0136636. Peer-reviewed.
Double incretin receptor knock-out (DIRKO) mice present with alterations of trabecular and cortical micromorphology and bone strength.
Mieczkowska A., Mansur S., Bouvard B., Flatt P.R., Thorens B., Irwin N., Chappard D., Mabilleau G., 2015. Osteoporosis International, 26 (1) pp. 209-218.
Drosophila Ionotropic Receptor 25a mediates circadian clock resetting by temperature.
Chen C., Buhl E., Xu M., Croset V., Rees J.S., Lilley K.S., Benton R., Hodge J.J., Stanewsky R., 2015. Nature, 527 (7579) pp. 516-520.
Effect of transnasal insufflation on sleep-disordered breathing in acute stroke.
Haba-Rubio J., Andries D., Rey-Bataillard V., Michel P., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2015. Sleep and Breathing, 19 (1) p. 3.
Effects of physiological self-crowding of DNA on shape and biological properties of DNA molecules with various levels of supercoiling.
Benedetti F., Japaridze A., Dorier J., Racko D., Kwapich R., Burnier Y., Dietler G., Stasiak A., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (4) pp. 2390-2399.
Electrophoretic mobility of supercoiled, catenated and knotted DNA molecules.
Cebrián J., Kadomatsu-Hermosa M.J., Castán A., Martínez V., Parra C., Fernández-Nestosa M.J., Schaerer C., Martínez-Robles M.L., Hernández P., Krimer D.B. et al., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (4) pp. e24.
Endothelial, but not smooth muscle, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ regulates vascular permeability and anaphylaxis.
Wawrzyniak M., Pich C., Gross B., Schütz F., Fleury S., Quemener S., Sgandurra M., Bouchaert E., Moret C., Mury L. et al., 2015. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 135 (6) pp. 1625-1635.e5. Peer-reviewed.
Establishment of a Developmental Compartment Requires Interactions between Three Synergistic Cis-regulatory Modules.
Bieli D., Kanca O., Requena D., Hamaratoglu F., Gohl D., Schedl P., Affolter M., Slattery M., Müller M., Estella C., 2015. Plos Genetics, 11 (10) pp. e1005376. Peer-reviewed.
Fluctuation-Driven Neural Dynamics Reproduce Drosophila Locomotor Patterns.
Maesani A., Ramdya P., Cruchet S., Gustafson K., Benton R., Floreano D., 2015. Plos Computational Biology, 11 (11) pp. e1004577. Peer-reviewed.
Generation of supercoils in nicked and gapped DNA drives DNA unknotting and postreplicative decatenation.
Racko D., Benedetti F., Dorier J., Burnier Y., Stasiak A., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (15) pp. 7229-7236.
Genetic dissection of sleep homeostasis.
Mang G.M., Franken P., 2015. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 25 pp. 25-63.
Genome sequence of the Drosophila melanogaster male-killing Spiroplasma strain MSRO endosymbiont.
Paredes J.C., Herren J.K., Schüpfer F., Marin R., Claverol S., Kuo C.H., Lemaitre B., Béven L., 2015. Mbio, 6 (2) pp. e02437-14.
Gibberellic acid signaling is required for ambient temperature-mediated induction of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Galvão V.C., Collani S., Horrer D., Schmid M., 2015. Plant Journal, 84 (5) pp. 949-962.
Global Diversity Lines-A Five-Continent Reference Panel of Sequenced Drosophila melanogaster Strains.
Grenier J.K., Arguello J.R., Moreira M.C., Gottipati S., Mohammed J., Hackett S.R., Boughton R., Greenberg A.J., Clark A.G., 2015. G3 Genes Genomes Genetics, 5 (4) pp. 593-603.
GLUT2, glucose sensing and glucose homeostasis.
Thorens B., 2015. Diabetologia, 58 (2) pp. 221-232.
HAMAP in 2015: updates to the protein family classification and annotation system.
Pedruzzi I., Rivoire C., Auchincloss A.H., Coudert E., Keller G., de Castro E., Baratin D., Cuche B.A., Bougueleret L., Poux S. et al., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (Database issue) pp. D1064-D1070.
High quality draft genomes of the Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides challenge strains Afadé and B237.
Fischer A., Santana-Cruz I., Hegerman J., Gourlé H., Schieck E., Lambert M., Nadendla S., Wesonga H., Miller R.A., Vashee S. et al., 2015. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 10 p. 89.
HLA-DQ Allele Competition in Narcolepsy: Where is the Evidence?
Tafti M., 2015. Sleep, 38 (1) pp. 153-154.
Hsp90 inhibition induces both protein-specific and global changes in the ubiquitinome.
Quadroni M., Potts A., Waridel P., 2015. Journal of Proteomics, 120 pp. 215-229.
Hypocretin (orexin) biology and the pathophysiology of narcolepsy with cataplexy.
Liblau R.S., Vassalli A., Seifinejad A., Tafti M., 2015. Lancet. Neurology, 14 (3) pp. 318-328.
Impact of Sleep and Circadian Disruption on Energy Balance and Diabetes: A Summary of Workshop Discussions.
Arble D.M., Bass J., Behn C.D., Butler M.P., Challet E., Czeisler C., Depner C.M., Elmquist J., Franken P., Grandner M.A. et al., 2015. Sleep, 38 (12) pp. 1849-1860. Peer-reviewed.
In vivo imaging of the central and peripheral effects of sleep deprivation and suprachiasmatic nuclei lesion on PERIOD-2 protein in mice.
Curie T., Maret S., Emmenegger Y., Franken P., 2015. Sleep, 38 (9) pp. 1381-1394.
Inactivation of PPARβ/δ adversely affects satellite cells and reduces postnatal myogenesis.
Chandrashekar P., Manickam R., Ge X., Bonala S., McFarlane C., Sharma M., Wahli W., Kambadur R., 2015. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 309 (2) pp. E122-E131.
Increased diversity of egg-associated bacteria on brown trout (Salmo trutta) at elevated temperatures.
Wilkins L.G., Rogivue A., Schütz F., Fumagalli L., Wedekind C., 2015. Scientific Reports, 5 p. 17084. Peer-reviewed.
Ins1 (Cre) knock-in mice for beta cell-specific gene recombination.
Thorens B., Tarussio D., Maestro M.A., Rovira M., Heikkilä E., Ferrer J., 2015. Diabetologia, 58 (3) pp. 558-565.
Integrative and systemic approaches for evaluating PPARβ/δ (PPARD) function.
Giordano Attianese G.M., Desvergne B., 2015. Nuclear Receptor Signaling, 13 pp. e001.
KnotProt: a database of proteins with knots and slipknots.
Jamroz M., Niemyska W., Rawdon E.J., Stasiak A., Millett K.C., Sulkowski P., Sulkowska J.I., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (Database issue) pp. D306-D314.
Lipid anchoring of Arabidopsis phototropin 1 to assess the functional significance of receptor internalization: should I stay or should I go?
Preuten T., Blackwood L., Christie J.M., Fankhauser C., 2015. New Phytologist, 206 (3) pp. 1038-1050. Peer-reviewed.
Loss of the RNA polymerase III repressor MAF1 confers obesity resistance.
Bonhoure N., Byrnes A., Moir R.D., Hodroj W., Preitner F., Praz V., Marcelin G., Chua S.C., Martinez-Lopez N., Singh R. et al., 2015. Genes and Development, 29 (9) pp. 934-947.
Mechanosensory interactions drive collective behaviour in Drosophila.
Ramdya P., Lichocki P., Cruchet S., Frisch L., Tse W., Floreano D., Benton R., 2015. Nature, 519 (7542) pp. 233-236. Peer-reviewed.
Modelling of iron-filled magneto-active polymers with a dispersed chain-like microstructure
Saxena P., Pelteret J.P., Steinmann P., 2015. European Journal of Mechanics A Solids, 50 pp. 132-151.
Modelling the curing process in magneto-sensitive polymers: Rate-dependence and shrinkage
Hossain M., Saxena P., Steinmann P., 2015. Internationsl Journal of Non-linear Mechaniscs, 74 pp. 108-121.
Modelling the mechanical aspects of the curing process of magneto-sensitive elastomeric materials
Hossain M., Saxena P., Steinmann P., 2015. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 58 pp. 257-269.
MorphoGraphX: A platform for quantifying morphogenesis in 4D.
Barbier de Reuille P., Routier-Kierzkowska A.L., Kierzkowski D., Bassel G.W., Schüpbach T., Tauriello G., Bajpai N., Strauss S., Weber A., Kiss A. et al., 2015. Elife, 4 p. 05864.
Multigene Family Evolution: Perspectives from Insect Chemoreceptors.
Benton R., 2015. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30 (10) pp. 590-600. Peer-reviewed.
Mutations in LONP1, a mitochondrial matrix protease, cause CODAS syndrome.
Dikoglu E., Alfaiz A., Gorna M., Bertola D., Chae J.H., Cho T.J., Derbent M., Alanay Y., Guran T., Kim O.H. et al., 2015. American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A, 167 (7) pp. 1501-1509. Peer-reviewed.
Neural Circuits: Male Mating Motifs.
Benton R., 2015. Neuron, 87 (5) pp. 912-914. Peer-reviewed.
Neurology and psychiatry: waking up to opportunities of sleep. : State of the art and clinical/research priorities for the next decade.
Bassetti C.L., Ferini-Strambi L., Brown S., Adamantidis A., Benedetti F., Bruni O., Cajochen C., Dolenc-Groselj L., Ferri R., Gais S. et al., 2015. European Journal of Neurology, 22 (10) pp. 1337-1354. Peer-reviewed.
No development of hypertension in the hyperuricemic liver-Glut9 knockout mouse.
Preitner F., Pimentel A., Metref S., Berthonneche C., Sarre A., Moret C., Rotman S., Centeno G., Firsov D., Thorens B., 2015. Kidney International, 87 (5) pp. 940-947.
Nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta in skin wound healing and cancer
Montagner A., Wahli W., Tan N.S., 2015. European Journal of Dermatology, 25 (Suppl 1) pp. 4-11.
Objective Sleep Structure and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the General Population: The HypnoLaus Study.
Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Andries D., Tobback N., Preisig M., Vollenweider P., Waeber G., Luca G., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2015. Sleep, 38 (3) pp. 391-400. Peer-reviewed.
Open Labware: 3-D Printing Your Own Lab Equipment
Tom Baden, Andre Maia Chagas, Greg Gage, Timothy Marzullo, Prieto-Godino Lucia L., Thomas Euler, 2015. PLOS Biology, 13 (3) pp. e1002086. Peer-reviewed.
Open Labware: 3-D printing your own lab equipment.
Baden T., Chagas A.M., Gage G., Marzullo T., Prieto-Godino L.L., Euler T., 2015. Plos Biology, 13 (3) pp. e1002086. Peer-reviewed.
Plant Phototropic Growth.
Fankhauser C., Christie J.M., 2015. Current Biology, 25 (9) pp. R384-R389. Peer-reviewed.
Population Variation and Genetic Control of Modular Chromatin Architecture in Humans.
Waszak S.M., Delaneau O., Gschwind A.R., Kilpinen H., Raghav S.K., Witwicki R.M., Orioli A., Wiederkehr M., Panousis N.I., Yurovsky A. et al., 2015. Cell, 162 (5) pp. 1039-1050. Peer-reviewed.
PPAR Gamma Receptor, Skin Lipids and Hair
Toffoli B., Desvergne B., 2015. pp. 277-288 dans Pappas A. (eds.) Lipids and skin health chap. 18, Springer.
PPAR-β/δ activation promotes phospholipid transfer protein expression.
Chehaibi K., Cedó L., Metso J., Palomer X., Santos D., Quesada H., Naceur Slimane M., Wahli W., Julve J., Vázquez-Carrera M. et al., 2015. Biochemical Pharmacology, 94 (2) pp. 101-108.
PPARα is Required for PPARδ action in regulation of body weight and hepatic steatosis in mice.
Garbacz W.G., Huang J.T., Higgins L.G., Wahli W., Palmer C.N., 2015. PPAR Research, 2015 p. 927057.
PPARγ controls pregnancy outcome through activation of EG-VEGF: new insights into the mechanism of placental development.
Garnier V., Traboulsi W., Salomon A., Brouillet S., Fournier T., Winkler C., Desvergne B., Hoffmann P., Zhou Q.Y., Congiu C. et al., 2015. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, 309 (4) pp. E357-E369.
Presence control of DNA repair controllers.
Stasiak A., 2015. Cell Cycle, 14 (14) p. 2199. Peer-reviewed.
Prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in the general population: the HypnoLaus study.
Heinzer R., Vat S., Marques-Vidal P., Marti-Soler H., Andries D., Tobback N., Mooser V., Preisig M., Malhotra A., Waeber G. et al., 2015. Lancet. Respiratory Medicine, 3 (4) pp. 310-318. Peer-reviewed.
Proteome-Wide Effect of 17-β-Estradiol and Lipoxin A4 in an Endometriotic Epithelial Cell Line.
Sobel J.A., Waridel P., Gori I., Quadroni M., Canny G.O., 2015. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 6 p. 192.
Quantitative proteomics of heat-treated human cells show an across-the-board mild depletion of housekeeping proteins to massively accumulate few HSPs.
Finka A., Sood V., Quadroni M., Rios Pde L, Goloubinoff P., 2015. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 20 (4) pp. 605-620. Peer-reviewed.
Quest for Orthologs Entails Quest for Tree of Life: In Search of the Gene Stream.
Boeckmann B., Marcet-Houben M., Rees J.A., Forslund K., Huerta-Cepas J., Muffato M., Yilmaz P., Xenarios I., Bork P., Lewis S.E. et al., 2015. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7 (7) pp. 1988-1999. Peer-reviewed.
Redox Signaling by the RNA Polymerase III TFIIB-Related Factor Brf2.
Gouge J., Satia K., Guthertz N., Widya M., Thompson A.J., Cousin P., Dergai O., Hernandez N., Vannini A., 2015. Cell, 163 (6) pp. 1375-1387.
Regulation of recombination at yeast nuclear pores controls repair and triplet repeat stability.
Su X.A., Dion V., Gasser S.M., Freudenreich C.H., 2015. Genes and Development, 29 (10) pp. 1006-1017.
Research resource: the dynamic transcriptional profile of sertoli cells during the progression of spermatogenesis.
Zimmermann C., Stévant I., Borel C., Conne B., Pitetti J.L., Calvel P., Kaessmann H., Jégou B., Chalmel F., Nef S., 2015. Molecular Endocrinology, 29 (4) pp. 627-642.
Ribosome profiling reveals the rhythmic liver translatome and circadian clock regulation by upstream open reading frames.
Janich P., Arpat A.B., Castelo-Szekely V., Lopes M., Gatfield D., 2015. Genome Research, 25 (12) pp. 1848-1859. Peer-reviewed.
Scoring criteria for portable monitor recordings: a comparison of four hypopnoea definitions in a population-based cohort.
Vat S., Haba-Rubio J., Tafti M., Tobback N., Andries D., Heinzer R., 2015. Thorax, 70 (11) pp. 1047-1053.
Selective disruption of Tcf7l2 in the pancreatic β cell impairs secretory function and lowers β cell mass.
Mitchell R.K., Mondragon A., Chen L., Mcginty J.A., French P.M., Ferrer J., Thorens B., Hodson D.J., Rutter G.A., Da Silva Xavier G., 2015. Human Molecular Genetics, 24 (5) pp. 1390-1399.
Sensing the light environment in plants: photoreceptors and early signaling steps.
Galvão V.C., Fankhauser C., 2015. Current Opinion In Neurobiology, 34 pp. 46-53.
Sequencing and characterizing the genome of Estrella lausannensis as an undergraduate project: training students and biological insights.
Bertelli C., Aeby S., Chassot B., Clulow J., Hilfiker O., Rappo S., Ritzmann S., Schumacher P., Terrettaz C., Benaglio P. et al., 2015. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6 (101) p. 101. Peer-reviewed.
Subknots in ideal knots, random knots, and knotted proteins.
Rawdon E.J., Millett K.C., Stasiak A., 2015. Scientific Reports, 5 p. 8928.
The anticancer drug metabolites endoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen induce toxic effects on Daphnia pulex in a two-generation study.
Borgatta M., Decosterd L.A., Waridel P., Buclin T., Chèvre N., 2015. Science of the Total Environment, 520 pp. 232-240.
The coactivator PGC-1α regulates mouse skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism independently of the nuclear receptor PPARβ/δ in sedentary mice fed a regular chow diet
Pérez-Schindler J., Svensson K., Vargas-Fernández E., Santos G., Wahli W., Handschin C., 2015. Diabetologia, 57 (11) pp. 2405-2412. Peer-reviewed.
The epigenetics of aging and neurodegeneration
Lardenoije R., Iatrou A., Kenis G., Kompotis K., Steinbusch H.W., Mastroeni D., Coleman P., Lemere C.A., Hof P.R., van den Hove D.L. et al., 2015. Progress In Neurobiology, 131 pp. 21-64. Peer-reviewed.
The InterPro protein families database: the classification resource after 15 years.
Mitchell A., Chang H.Y., Daugherty L., Fraser M., Hunter S., Lopez R., McAnulla C., McMenamin C., Nuka G., Pesseat S. et al., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (Database issue) pp. D213-D221.
The Islet and Metabolism Keep Time.
Thorens B., Accili D., Ahrén B., Cerasi E., Seino S., Boitard C., 2015. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 17 Suppl 1 pp. 3-5. Peer-reviewed.
The overexpression of SOX2 affects the migration of human teratocarcinoma cell line NT2/D1.
Drakulic D., Vicentic J.M., Schwirtlich M., Tosic J., Krstic A., Klajn A., Stevanovic M., 2015. Anais Da Academia Brasileira De Ciências, 87 (1) pp. 389-404.
The SwissLipids knowledgebase for lipid biology.
Aimo L., Liechti R., Hyka-Nouspikel N., Niknejad A., Gleizes A., Götz L., Kuznetsov D., David F.P., van der Goot F.G., Riezman H. et al., 2015. Bioinformatics, 31 (17) pp. 2860-2866.
The systemic control of circadian gene expression.
Gerber A., Saini C., Curie T., Emmenegger Y., Rando G., Gosselin P., Gotic I., Gos P., Franken P., Schibler U., 2015. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 17 Suppl 1 pp. 23-32. Peer-reviewed.
Twist1 Is a TNF-Inducible Inhibitor of Clock Mediated Activation of Period Genes.
Meier D., Lopez M., Franken P., Fontana A., 2015. Plos One, 10 (9) pp. e0137229. Peer-reviewed.
Type 2 Diabetes, SGLT2 Inhibitors, and Glucose Secretion.
Hattersley A.T., Thorens B., 2015. New England Journal of Medicine, 373 (10) pp. 974-976. Peer-reviewed.
Updates in Rhea-a manually curated resource of biochemical reactions.
Morgat A., Axelsen K.B., Lombardot T., Alcántara R., Aimo L., Zerara M., Niknejad A., Belda E., Hyka-Nouspikel N., Coudert E. et al., 2015. Nucleic Acids Research, 43 (Database issue) pp. D459-D464. Peer-reviewed.
Visualizing the spatiotemporal dynamics of DNA damage in budding yeast.
Horigome C., Dion V., Seeber A., Gehlen L.R., Gasser S.M., 2015. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1292 pp. 77-96. Peer-reviewed.
Wounding of Arabidopsis halleri leaves enhances cadmium accumulation that acts as a defense against herbivory.
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Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height.
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Me and we: the interplay between individual and group behavioral variation in social collectives
LeBoeuf Adria C, Grozinger Christina M, 2014/11. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 5 pp. 16-24.
Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche.
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Prevalence and characteristics of periodic leg movements during sleep in the general population : the Hypnolaus study
Haba-Rubio J., Marti-Soler H., Andries D., Tobback N. M., Tafti M., Heinzer R., 2014/09. p. 226 dans 22nd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, 16-20 September 2014, Tallinn, Estonia. Peer-reviewed.
Sleep structure and cardiometabolic disorders in the general population : the Hypnolaus study
Haba-Rubio J., Marques-Vidal P., Andries D., Tobback N., Tafti M., Heinzer R., Marques-Vidal P., Waeber G., Preisig M., Vollenweider P. et al., 2014/09. p. 151 dans 22nd Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society, Tallinn, Estonia, SEP 16-20, 2014. Peer-reviewed.
Human genomic regions with exceptionally high levels of population differentiation identified from 911 whole-genome sequences.
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16p11.2 600 kb Duplications confer risk for typical and atypical Rolandic epilepsy.
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A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa.
Boraska V., Franklin C.S., Floyd J.A., Thornton L.M., Huckins L.M., Southam L., Rayner N.W., Tachmazidou I., Klump K.L., Treasure J. et al., 2014. Molecular Psychiatry, 19 (10) pp. 1085-1094. Peer-reviewed.
A novel human aquaporin-4 splice variant exhibits a dominant-negative activity: a new mechanism to regulate water permeability.
De Bellis M., Pisani F., Mola M.G., Basco D., Catalano F., Nicchia G.P., Svelto M., Frigeri A., 2014. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 25 (4) pp. 470-480.
Absence of intestinal PPARγ aggravates acute infectious colitis in mice through a lipocalin-2-dependent pathway.
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An integrated ontology resource to explore and study host-virus relationships.
Masson P., Hulo C., de Castro E., Foulger R., Poux S., Bridge A., Lomax J., Bougueleret L., Xenarios I., Le Mercier P., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (9) pp. e108075. Peer-reviewed.
Auxin-mediated plant architectural changes in response to shade and high temperature.
de Wit M., Lorrain S., Fankhauser C., 2014. Physiologia Plantarum, 151 (1) pp. 13-24. Peer-reviewed.
Bridging the Gap: establishing the necessary infrastructure and knowledge for teaching and research in neuroscience in Africa.
Yusuf S., Baden T., Prieto-Godino L.L., 2014. Metabolic Brain Disease, 29 (2) pp. 217-220.
Characteristic bimodal profiles of RNA polymerase II at thousands of active mammalian promoters.
Quinodoz M., Gobet C., Naef F., Gustafson K.B., 2014. Genome Biology, 15 (6) pp. R85.
Circadian clock-dependent and -independent rhythmic proteomes implement distinct diurnal functions in mouse liver.
Mauvoisin D., Wang J., Jouffe C., Martin E., Atger F., Waridel P., Quadroni M., Gachon F., Naef F., 2014. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (1) pp. 167-172.
Circadian control of tissue homeostasis and adult stem cells.
Janich P., Meng Q.J., Benitah S.A., 2014. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 31C pp. 8-15.
Comparative analysis of the transcriptome across distant species.
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Conserved microRNA editing in mammalian evolution, development and disease.
Warnefors M., Liechti A., Halbert J., Valloton D., Kaessmann H., 2014. Genome Biology, 15 (6) pp. R83.
Database construction and Peptide identification strategies for proteogenomic studies on sequenced genomes.
Hernandez C., Waridel P., Quadroni M., 2014. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 14 (3) pp. 425-434.
Deletion of Sirt3 does not affect atherosclerosis but accelerates weight gain and impairs rapid metabolic adaptation in LDL receptor knockout mice: implications for cardiovascular risk factor development.
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Differentially phased leaf growth and movements in Arabidopsis depend on coordinated circadian and light regulation.
Dornbusch T., Michaud O., Xenarios I., Fankhauser C., 2014. Plant Cell, 26 (10) pp. 3911-3921. Peer-reviewed.
Dpp/BMP signaling in flies: From molecules to biology.
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DQB1 locus alone explains most of the risk and protection in narcolepsy with cataplexy in Europe.
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Dying neurons in thalamus of asphyxiated term newborns and rats are autophagic.
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Effects of supercoiling on enhancer-promoter contacts.
Benedetti F., Dorier J., Stasiak A., 2014. Nucleic Acids Research, 42 (16) pp. 10425-10432.
Evaluation of a piezoelectric system as an alternative to electroencephalogram/ electromyogram recordings in mouse sleep studies.
Mang G.M., Nicod J., Emmenegger Y., Donohue K.D., O'Hara B.F., Franken P., 2014. Sleep, 37 (8) pp. 1383-1392.
Evolutionary dynamics of coding and non-coding transcriptomes.
Necsulea A., Kaessmann H., 2014. Nature Reviews. Genetics, 15 (11) pp. 734-748.
Fifteen years SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics: life science databases, tools and support.
Stockinger H., Altenhoff A.M., Arnold K., Bairoch A., Bastian F., Bergmann S., Bougueleret L., Bucher P., Delorenzi M., Lane L. et al., 2014. Nucleic Acids Research, 42 (Web Server issue) pp. W436-W441. Peer-reviewed.
Force-induced globule-coil transition in laminin binding protein and its role for viral-cell membrane fusion.
Zaitsev B.N., Benedetti F., Mikhaylov A.G., Korneev D.V., Sekatskii S.K., Karakouz T., Belavin P.A., Netesova N.A., Protopopova E.V., Konovalova S.N. et al., 2014. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 27 (12) pp. 727-738. Peer-reviewed.
Gene duplication and neofunctionalization: POLR3G and POLR3GL.
Renaud M., Praz V., Vieu E., Florens L., Washburn M.P., L'hôte P., Hernandez N., 2014. Genome Research, 24 (1) pp. 37-51.
Genetic Variations and Diseases in UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: The Ins and Outs of Expert Manual Curation.
Famiglietti M.L., Estreicher A., Gos A., Bolleman J., Géhant S., Breuza L., Bridge A., Poux S., Redaschi N., Bougueleret L. et al., 2014. Human Mutation, 35 (8) pp. 927-935.
Genome-wide analysis of SREBP1 activity around the clock reveals its combined dependency on nutrient and circadian signals.
Gilardi F., Migliavacca E., Naldi A., Baruchet M., Canella D., Le Martelot G., Guex N., Desvergne B., CycliX Consortium, 2014. PLoS Genetics, 10 (3) pp. e1004155. Peer-reviewed.
Genome-wide re-sequencing of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium leprae Airaku-3.
Singh P., Benjak A., Carat S., Kai M., Busso P., Avanzi C., Paniz-Mondolfi A., Peter C., Harshman K., Rougemont J. et al., 2014. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 20 (10) pp. O619-O622.
Germ cell-specific targeting of DICER or DGCR8 reveals a novel role for endo-siRNAs in the progression of mammalian spermatogenesis and male fertility.
Zimmermann C., Romero Y., Warnefors M., Bilican A., Borel C., Smith L.B., Kotaja N., Kaessmann H., Nef S., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (9) pp. e107023.
Global phylogenomic analysis of nonencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae reveals a deep-branching classic lineage that is distinct from multiple sporadic lineages.
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Gluco-incretins regulate beta-cell glucose competence by epigenetic silencing of Fxyd3 expression.
Vallois D., Niederhäuser G., Ibberson M., Nagaray V., Marselli L., Marchetti P., Chatton J.Y., Thorens B., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (7) pp. e103277.
Glutamine Stimulates Biosynthesis and Secretion of Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (IGF2), an Autocrine Regulator of Beta Cell Mass and Function.
Modi H., Cornu M., Thorens B., 2014. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289 (46) pp. 31972-31982.
Hypoglycemia-activated GLUT2 neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius stimulate vagal activity and glucagon secretion.
Lamy C.M., Sanno H., Labouèbe G., Picard A., Magnan C., Chatton J.Y., Thorens B., 2014. Cell Metabolism, 19 (3) pp. 527-538. Peer-reviewed.
Identification and removal of low-complexity sites in allele-specific analysis of ChIP-seq data.
Waszak S.M., Kilpinen H., Gschwind A.R., Orioli A., Raghav S.K., Witwicki R.M., Migliavacca E., Yurovsky A., Lappalainen T., Hernandez N. et al., 2014. Bioinformatics, 30 (2) pp. 165-171.
Identification of Novel Craniofacial Regulatory Domains Located far Upstream of SOX9 and Disrupted in Pierre Robin Sequence.
Gordon C.T., Attanasio C., Bhatia S., Benko S., Ansari M., Tan T.Y., Munnich A., Pennacchio L.A., Abadie V., Temple I.K. et al., 2014. Human Mutation, 35 (8) pp. 1011-1020. Peer-reviewed.
Identification of structural variation in mouse genomes.
Keane T.M., Wong K., Adams D.J., Flint J., Reymond A., Yalcin B., 2014. Frontiers in Genetics, 5 p. 192.
Immunoreactive proteins of Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula for farmer's lung serodiagnosis.
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Impaired musculoskeletal response to age and exercise in PPARβ(-/-) diabetic mice.
Fu H., Desvergne B., Ferrari S., Bonnet N., 2014. Endocrinology, 155 (12) pp. 4686-4696.
Incretin receptor null mice reveal key role of GLP-1 but not GIP in pancreatic beta cell adaptation to pregnancy.
Moffett R.C., Vasu S., Thorens B., Drucker D.J., Flatt P.R., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (6) pp. e96863.
Light intensity modulates the regulatory network of the shade avoidance response in Arabidopsis.
Hersch M., Lorrain S., de Wit M., Trevisan M., Ljung K., Bergmann S., Fankhauser C., 2014. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (17) pp. 6515-6520. Peer-reviewed.
LKB1 and AMPK differentially regulate pancreatic β-cell identity.
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Local Renal Circadian Clocks Control Fluid-Electrolyte Homeostasis and BP.
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MicroRNAs shape circadian hepatic gene expression on a transcriptome-wide scale.
Du N.H., Arpat A.B., De Matos M., Gatfield D., 2014. Elife, 3 pp. e02510.
Models that include supercoiling of topological domains reproduce several known features of interphase chromosomes.
Benedetti F., Dorier J., Burnier Y., Stasiak A., 2014. Nucleic Acids Research, 42 (5) pp. 2848-2855.
Myostatin augments muscle-specific ring finger protein-1 expression through an NF-kB independent mechanism in SMAD3 null muscle.
Sriram S., Subramanian S., Juvvuna P.K., Ge X., Lokireddy S., McFarlane C.D., Wahli W., Kambadur R., Sharma M., 2014. Molecular Endocrinology, 28 (3) pp. 317-330.
Nervous glucose sensing regulates postnatal β cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis.
Tarussio D., Metref S., Seyer P., Mounien L., Vallois D., Magnan C., Foretz M., Thorens B., 2014. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 124 (1) pp. 413-424.
Neural regulation of pancreatic islet cell mass and function.
Thorens B., 2014. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 16 Suppl 1 pp. 87-95.
Novel Approach Identifies SNPs in SLC2A10 and KCNK9 with Evidence for Parent-of-Origin Effect on Body Mass Index.
Hoggart C.J., Venturini G., Mangino M., Gomez F., Ascari G., Zhao J.H., Teumer A., Winkler T.W., Ternikova N., Luan J. et al., 2014. PLoS Genetics, 10 (7) pp. e1004508.
Novel H3K4me3 marks are enriched at human- and chimpanzee-specific cytogenetic structures.
Giannuzzi G., Migliavacca E., Reymond A., 2014. Genome Research, 24 (9) pp. 1455-1468.
Origins and functional evolution of Y chromosomes across mammals.
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Plasma membrane H⁺ -ATPase regulation is required for auxin gradient formation preceding phototropic growth.
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PPARβ/δ attenuates palmitate-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress and induces autophagic markers in human cardiac cells.
Palomer X., Capdevila-Busquets E., Botteri G., Salvadó L., Barroso E., Davidson M.M., Michalik L., Wahli W., Vázquez-Carrera M., 2014. International Journal of Cardiology, 174 (1) pp. 110-118.
PPARβ/δ prevents endoplasmic reticulum stress-associated inflammation and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells through an AMPK-dependent mechanism.
Salvadó L., Barroso E., Gómez-Foix A.M., Palomer X., Michalik L., Wahli W., Vázquez-Carrera M., 2014. Diabetologia, 57 (10) pp. 2126-2135. Peer-reviewed.
ProteomeXchange provides globally coordinated proteomics data submission and dissemination.
Vizcaíno J.A., Deutsch E.W., Wang R., Csordas A., Reisinger F., Ríos D., Dianes J.A., Sun Z., Farrah T., Bandeira N. et al., 2014. Nature Biotechnology, 32 (3) pp. 223-226.
Quantifying ChIP-seq data: a spiking method providing an internal reference for sample-to-sample normalization.
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Reconciliation of metabolites and biochemical reactions for metabolic networks.
Bernard T., Bridge A., Morgat A., Moretti S., Xenarios I., Pagni M., 2014. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 15 (1) pp. 123-135.
Reduced phototropism in pks mutants may be due to altered auxin-regulated gene expression or reduced lateral auxin transport.
Kami C., Allenbach L., Zourelidou M., Ljung K., Schütz F., Isono E., Watahiki M.K., Yamamoto K.T., Schwechheimer C., Fankhauser C., 2014. Plant Journal, 77 (3) pp. 393-403. Peer-reviewed.
Remodelers move chromatin in response to DNA damage.
Seeber A., Dion V., Gasser S.M., 2014. Cell Cycle, 13 (6) pp. 877-878.
Robust synchronization of coupled circadian and cell cycle oscillators in single mammalian cells.
Bieler J., Cannavo R., Gustafson K., Gobet C., Gatfield D., Naef F., 2014. Molecular Systems Biology, 10 (7) p. 739. Peer-reviewed.
Role of Endogenous GLP-1 and GIP in Beta Cell Compensatory Responses to Insulin Resistance and Cellular Stress.
Vasu S., Moffett R.C., Thorens B., Flatt P.R., 2014. PLoS One, 9 (6) pp. e101005.
Rolf Bernander (1956-2014): pioneer of the archaeal cell cycle.
Ettema T.J., Lindås A.C., Hjort K., Poplawski A.B., Kaessmann H., Grogan D.W., Kelman Z., Andersson A.F., Pelve E.A., Lundgren M. et al., 2014. Molecular Microbiology, 92 (5) pp. 903-909.
RXRs: collegial partners.
Gilardi F., Desvergne B., 2014. pp. 75-102 dans Asson-Batres M.A., Rochette-Egly C. (eds.) The biochemistry of retinoic acid receptors I: structure, activation, and function at the molecular level chap. 5, Springer.
Shade avoidance: phytochrome signalling and other aboveground neighbour detection cues.
Pierik R., de Wit M., 2014. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65 (11) pp. 2815-2824.
Shotgun Ecotoxicoproteomics of Daphnia pulex: Biochemical Effects of the Anticancer Drug Tamoxifen.
Borgatta M., Hernandez C., Decosterd L.A., Chèvre N., Waridel P., 2014. Journal of Proteome Research, 14 (1) pp. 279-291.
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